The Niagara Landowners association held Niagara’s first ever
Municipal Law Seminar attended by over 200 Property owners.
This municipal law seminar stems from the necessity of self
It stems from vile and illegitimate attacks from municipal governments.
It stems from municipal governments abuse of, and in some
cases, determined misuse of the ‘Ontario Municipal Act’.
It stems from that fact that lives have been destroyed by unwarranted abuse perpetrated by money-hungry municipalities through crushing legal defense costs, and excessive fines .
It stems from exploitation of the ‘Ontario Municipal Act’ against
innocent landowners whose property is supposedly protected by the ‘Act’.
In Niagara the final straw came in the form of an attack on
property rights by the municipality of Pelham, Ontario, headed up by Mayor Dave
Mayor Augustine’s municipal government passed a law that
permitted his bureaucrats to enter onto any homeowner’s private property,
unannounced, at any time of day or night and even to enter and snoop in a
property owner’s garage and outbuildings!
It appears that Mayor Augustin’s regime has transferred their broad (without notice) trespass authority to their ‘Environmental Protection by-law’
It appears that Mayor Augustin’s regime has transferred their broad (without notice) trespass authority to their ‘Environmental Protection by-law’
Taxpayers have spent $billions to send politicians to
AMO conferences for decades, where the preponderance of everything they learn
is how to use citizens as ‘Tax Fodder’.
For those who doubt the audacity of these public enemies,
perhaps the following links will convince everyone that there is every
possibility of an unbearable experience in their own future when your ‘Property Rights’ are being stolen from you:
Guest speaker Cindy Moyer was a wealth of information and even included details regarding the newly formed
'Legal Services Co-operative of Ontario' as to who you can turn to for help
Guest speaker Cindy Moyer was a wealth of information and even included details regarding the newly formed
'Legal Services Co-operative of Ontario' as to who you can turn to for help
Attendees of the inaugural Niagara Land Owner's ‘Municipal Law Seminar’ held September 21, 2013, heard first hand from Elizabeth Marshall a leading expert on PROPERTY RIGHTS.
The question and answer session had to be halted after 90 minute at 5:30 PM
To learn how to defend yourself , your property and your family get yourself to a future Land Owners seminar.
We have lived in The town of Pelham for over 40 years and starting in 2006 and going off and on until 2011 we were victims of over zealous by-law officers. At one point we were ordered to get rid of everything on the property from the earth to the sky. That is when I saw a newspaper article about the OLA. We joined this organization and I am so thankful we did. We learned that no matter what bylaws the council passed we still had rights and they gave us help and support in our latest fight against this so called ''''ENVIRONMENTAL BYLAW ''' formerly the ''SITE ALTERATION BYLAW ' which goes as far as ''WARRANTLESS ENTRY "" In spite of our
ReplyDeletebest efforts this bylaw was passed, one reason being that one councillor running in a by-election used it as a campaign promise to appease some nit picking residents.
Since then we applied for and got our Crown Patents, put up our Landowner signs and to this date have had no more problems. Mayor Dave, his fellow council members and town staff like to try to protray Pelham as a Creative, Vibriant and Caring Community. It is so caring that they have even eliminated handicaped parking from South Pelham Street. I could go on and on but suffice to say if anyone is even thinking of buying any place in Pelham, I would advise you to think again. And once again ''THANK GOD FOR THE ONTARIO LANDOWNERS ASSOCIATION (NIAGARA CHAPTER )