Sunday, 7 January 2024

Dereliction & Coverup!


The Coverup is worse than the crime!

Our story starts August 2023 under the titled: 'Government Crime Sanctioned'.  The story was and is about 'lack of oversight and investigation' of a contravention of criminal code 184 regarding Interference and Interception of emails.

Since the first 'News Alert Niagara' story was posted, the situation has worsened to where the unelected bureaucrats of the Niagara Regional Government has apparently abused their position to block notification of inappropriate bureaucratic conduct from reaching our Elected Officials.

Once again we took our concern to the Niagara Regional Police. On December 6, 2023 we phoned the non-emergency #905-688-4111 to ask who we should talk to about 'police dereliction of duty'.

After a curt exchange, dispatch said she was sending an officer to follow up. A very polite officer took my information over the phone.

Having heard nothing, I decided to do a follow-up on December 12; only this time we recorded the call predicated on the character of the Dec.6 experience. The recording of Dec 12 shows a much more polite exchange but with a disturbing litany of questions such as 'was I in a situation of hurting myself or others' and 'are there firearms present'? 

Same day a good looking police officer came along with a very tall 'CRISIS officer'. During our awkward conversation, I repeated my question as to who would be the contact person to about NRP 'Dereliction of Duty'?

Later that same evening I found out why there was no answer to the question regarding 'Dereliction of Duty', when I received a phone call from a gentleman claiming he was sent by the same visiting Officers of earlier in the day. He said he was a volunteer from 'Coast'; a mental health crises agency! 

Now it has to be determined if the NRP think anyone who would 'See Something-Say something' about NRP 'Dereliction of Duty' must be mentally deficient or if this exercise was their way of intimidation to silence possible criticism of their conduct.

Now, we are alarmed predicated on others warning us of police retaliation. Closer scrutiny fails to dispel concern regarding unaccountable police activity! Follow this link to find our 2014 epiphany leading to our growing suspicion leading to mistrust in the fidelity of our Niagara Regional Police.

Perhaps the warning is justified considering the length the NRP goes too in order to hide their activities such as controlling the televised coverage of the civilian public oversight committee or even the 930AM timing of the NRPBS meetings! 

Make NO mistake; we desperately need an honest and transparent police service administering law and order without fear or favor; not only to be fair, but to appear to be fair!

What we do NOT need is a police service failing in transparency by manipulating NRPBS Public meeting time, manipulating official documenting video of Public NRPBS meetings, dereliction of duty by failing to investigate serious criminal code violations not to mention erroneous activities!

What we do NOT need is a Civilian oversight board made up of big spending double dipping political hacks!

What we do Not need is an Ontario Independent Review Board Director who categorically stated that investigating serious criminal code violation NOT to be in the Public interest! 

And, above all, we do NOT need a civic administration over greasing a failing police department with overly generous taxpayer hard earned money!

At any rate the question still remains! 

Is it not 'Dereliction of Duty' if the Niagara Regional Police refuses to investigate a serious Criminal Code Violation?

New Question: is anyone in charge of police conduct and if so 'who'??? 

Is the phrase 'See Something - Say Something' just another feckless phrase coined to make police look like they are earning their overpriced empire building $190Million tax burden.

Everyone is free to comment under each and every 'News Alert Niagara' article.

 Predicated on 'Free Speech' our articles are 

always available for your free use!

 Don't forget to click on the blue Links for the rest of the story!  

We have know-it-all's collecting tax Dollars while blocking public information !

Friday, 5 January 2024

Sun Setting on Canadian Democracy

Danielle Chadwick

A 2022 study entitled “The Authoritarian Playbook” illustrates the nature of Canada’s progression from a democratic society to an authoritarian nation-state.

“For at least the last thirty years, the threats to democracy have evolved. Today, democracy more often dies gradually, as the institutional, legal, and political constraints on authoritarian leaders are chipped away, one by one.”
“Slicing away at democracy a sliver at a time, modern authoritarians cement themselves in power, but they do so incrementally.”
As evinced by way of a half-century of political transformation. As we enter 2024, all signs say “go” regarding our country’s pending political destiny.
The catalyst for Canada’s pre-meditated conversion to authoritarian state began with the placement of ex-Liberal PM Pierre Trudeau as prime minister in 1968. By opening Canadian doors to communist China, Trudeau Sr. kicked off Canada’s degeneration toward neo-authoritarian status.
On an incremental basis, first came our education system. Moving forward fifty-years, we witness the morphing of academia into a mass of anti-Canadian sentiment. With our colonial founding functioning as rationalization for the attack, gangs of embittered leftist radicals now rule the roost in Canadian academia.
The next major systemic transition was found in media circles, who today exist to reinforce government’s rhetorical attack on our nation’s identity, history and heritage.
State-owned media being the CBC, on the receiving end of a cool $1.2 billion dollars each year. Over 1500 corporate and independent media outlet also receive funding from the Feds.
“According to a 2019 study, authoritarian regimes have over time become less reliant on violence and mass repression to maintain control. The study shows instead that authoritarians have increasingly resorted to manipulation of information as a means of control.”
Blocking of news feeds on social media, internet censorship and online “hate” legislation being the ticket for our Liberal government.
“Authoritarianism also tends to embrace the informal and unregulated exercise of political power, a leadership that is self-appointed and even if elected cannot be displaced by citizens’ free choice among competitors.”
There is no mechanism in existence which serves as a vehicle for Canadian voters to remove a prime minister from power. The singular method is a successful vote of non-confidence in the House of Commons.
“Autocratic movements and regimes tend to weaken not only freedom of speech and the press, but the influence of any public voices that could serve as vocal counterpoints to the autocratic faction.”
Check the Trucker’s Convoy to Ottawa in early 2023. Frozen bank accounts, incarceration of protest leaders, media depiction as a gang of racists and white supremacists.
“Modern-day autocrats use demographic identity as a way to sow division.”
Critical to authoritarian success, pejoratives such as “Islamophobia,” homophobia and other woke warrior accusations sow seeds of social division. Through this methodology, identifiable communities are prevented from uniting into a cohesive social force that could potentially overthrow a ruling government.
“Authoritarianism is marked by ‘indefinite political tenure’ of the ruler or ruling party, often in a one-party state or other authority.”
New Democratic Party leader Jagmeet Singh locks PM Trudeau in for an additional two years. With present polls indicating a landslide victory for the Conservative Party, the NDP leader works on behalf of the Liberal leader, thereby establishing an “indefinite political tenure.”
We pause to ponder the situation. Truth is, these concepts are not difficult to discern. A person doesn’t need a Ph.d in political science to do so. All one needs is basic common sense.
We fantasize about an exposure of these concepts throughout Canadian society. Once understood, the scales fall from the public eye as to media’s hoodwinking of society for the purpose of maintaining a Liberal neo-dictatorship.
Hindrances to free and fair elections in authoritarian systems may include:
Control of the media by the authoritarian incumbents.
Interference with opposition campaigning.
Large-scale spending by the state in favour of the incumbents.
Electoral fraud.
Funding of 1500 Canadian media outlets by the Liberals. Branding Conservative Party leader Pierre Poilievre a racist and Donald Trump wanna-be. Alleged federal election interference from the government of China.
Having fun yet? Let the political pain continue:
Authoritarianism is a political system characterized by the rejection of democracy and political plurality. It involves the use of strong central power to preserve the political status quo, and reductions in the rule of law.
Did, or did not, Covid pandemic dissemination from China result in a suspension of rule-of-law? Was this not the direct outcome of government’s invocation of the “Emergencies Act?”
Holy Cow– is Canada ever in trouble. As exacerbated by the following:
According to the verbal output of neo-despot Justin Trudeau, every element of political policy will continue throughout 2024.
We stand witness as Canada’s “progressive” national leader intimates the idea that every fundamental of neo-authoritarian governance shall remain intact.
Welcome to the gospel of the “authoritarian playbook,” courtesy of Prime Minister Justin Trudeau. In the process, 40 million Canadian voters are rendered powerless.
After which Trudeau, Chrystia Freeland, Jagmeet Singh and their Liberal-NDP Socialist Coalition rant on about the importance of maintaining a “functioning democracy.”
It’s a lie, of course. But what exists to stop them? At this point, the Conservatives are serving as a political carrot-on-a-stick. They’re all that exists in terms of hope for a future free and democratic society.
To be certain, it’s not much for freedom-loving Canadians to hang their political hat on!
Everyone is free to comment under each and every 'News Alert Niagara' article.

 Predicated on 'Free Speech' our articles are always available for your free use!

 Don't forget to click on theblue Linksfor the rest of the story!  

We have know-it-all's collecting tax Dollars while blocking public information !