Also called the Downtown Association
The question has got to be what business improvement has the BIA; Downtown Association done for the main street of St. Catharines for the wasted $20 Million + Interest?
The St. Catharines Downtown Association appears to fall into the category commonly referred to as 'Insanity is doing the same thing year after year, decade after decade and expecting different results'!
More stunning is the fact that the debilitating removal of money from the downtown business community could and should have been put to much better use or perhaps left with the businesses that needed that money!
One of the world's greatest leaders said "Government is not the solution to problems; Government is the problem"
In government's effort to fix what ain't broken the well meaning buffoons formed BIA's!
This 2004 poster and the ridiculous comments being quoted by equally ridiculous political leaders points to where we are today!
Only in Contario's City of St. Cant can a Christmas Eve Main Street resemble the times of Dickens! Some remember St. Paul Street before the Feckless BIA with its wonton protection racket!Before the BIA People did for themselves and if that failed the turned to their City Council and Mayor Of all the comments from people who noticed the dearth of Season's festivity decoration not one of our elected officials has made a peep!
Not one explanation as to how removing $400,000 from the bottom line of downtown businesses does anything toward 'Business Improvement'!
This post will be sent to every politician and others for them to finally speak up on behalf of their constituents.
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We have know-it-all's collecting tax Dollars while blocking public information !