Friday, 20 January 2023

Fear of Failure

What does it look like? How does it manifest itself? How to defeat it?

My latest read is a little book of thoughts written by Author Timm Friesen.

The book title is ‘Seducing your Potential’. Apparently, the book is the authors first attempt.

As I perused his pages, I envisioned a one furrow plow turning over page after page extolling the reader to seduce their potential or in other words subjugate their fear of failure.

To paraphrase one of the many interesting passages in Author Timm Friesen’s book; “it’s the person in the mirror that is standing in your way”

That makes two recent reads assailing my senses about the  courage it takes to put yourself out there, to speak up, to speak out, bear your soul to the world seduce your potential and
conquer your fear of failure!

The second book of courage titled ‘Forever’ by first time author Chandra Furney writing her memoir of a very disturbing subject. The subtitle says it all in finite detail; “A love story. An arrest. Heartache. A small town scandal and a journey of self-discovery”  is her raw personal tell all book laying her soul bare!

No doubt there are many more Niagara authored books extolling courage and the courage of the Author but obviously they are either not well promoted or were written before the advent of Facebook.

News Alert Niagara is interested in any other Niagara Authors whose story illustrates courage!

Comments or messages below are welcome

Thursday, 19 January 2023

I'm alright, Jack; I've got mine!

Since not one (1) of our elected officials made comment regarding the costly abuse and neglect of St. Paul Street, the main business street  of St.Catharines, Ontario, it stands to reason that expensive neglect is the continuing order of the day!

It Gets Worse! A former St. Catharines Councilor- now a Regional Councilor actually Blocked the Public message titled 'Because I Care' leaving News Alert Niagara to believe that this supposed concerned councilor is not only uncaring but unwilling to learn or even to hear about the plight of his city!

List of Major Wealth Creating Revenue Generating Entities whimpering whimps lost to the City of St. Catharines without so much as a whimper!

Anthes Eastern

Columbus McKinnon

Eaton Yale and Town

Hays Dana

General Motors

Foster Wheeler

Ferranti Packard

Not to mention the heart and soul of the city's main street 

Watching the five hour January 22 St. Catharines City Council meeting you will learn that without the sale of our transit system your City Taxes comes to an increase of 13%!

But don't worry they'll get you next year!
Try Watching the 3.5 hour January 26 Regional Council meeting where you will find a proposed tax increase of 10% plus an increase in water rates of 8.5%!

Perhaps our fearless leaders think an apparent proposed 25% Tax increase will solve poverty?!?
Now do you see the value in retaining revenue generating Commerce and industry? 

  And who was the tax-burning whimp that failed us without the slightest whimper during the diminution of our wealth-creator, revenue generator losses?

Why it was none other than Little Jimmie 'Dolittle' Bradley the now Premier Ford's acclaimed Chair of the Niagara Regime where he continues to ply his
devastating schemes!

What could be expected from an unmitigated progressive Liberal who hates free speech, considers oversight and scrutiny unnecessary and bothersome, condones obstruction of justice and even harbors stolen property!

Everyone is free to comment under each and every 'News Alert Niagara' article.

 Predicated on 'Free Speech' our articles are always available for your free use!

 Don't forget to click on the blue Links for the rest of the story!

We have know-it-all's collecting tax Dollars while blocking public information !

Saturday, 14 January 2023

Because I Care

...Or so it says on the giant billboard begging for your VOTE

3.5 Hours of Regional Budget meeting produced concerns over hiring two additional fulltime temporary workers to handle an overload of calls to the NEW Waste Disposal Company contracted to take over the job offloaded by the Regime. 

Farm out Waste management means empire building for the Regime but not a single word from our concerned councilors about $400,000 waste towards St. Catharines' main street often referred to as 'Tumbleweed Lane'! 

St. Paul Street left unadorned during the festive Christmas season, while life-long tax burner chair Bradley laments about being sued over his regime's water decisions!

Is this what Chair Bradley envisions with his now famous comment that "The downtown association has done an exceptional job of promoting the care of our city?"

$20Million dollars plus interest in todays money!

Its not a matter of skewering Jimmy 'Doolittle' Bradley for what he has done as a politician but for what he has failed to do. His record of failure spans half a century, five decades, fifty years of insipid indifference! Instead of fighting to keep and support wealth creating industry he stayed silent instead of at least raising his voice in alarm! 
Bradley is not alone!
The genesis of his concern for the health and welfare of our community and its Citizens was decades before Preston Haskell's failed bid for mayor in 2006. In fact the scenario of wealth creating industry fleeing our community, one after another incentivized Haskell to go before council in the 80's where he informed them that they were not only failing the city and their constituents but that they were also failing themselves in their duty!
The failing leadership of  St.Catharines managed to reduce the 'Once Shining City on the Hill' with its precious blend of wealth producing entities down to debilitating financial cannibalization surviving on taxation! 
Good news for all the folks whose silence 
advancedthe diminution of our community, you now have the unprecedented opportunity to witness your elected politician fail to raise their voice of concern for our once grand downtown St. Paul Street of St. Catharines and you can do so without even leaving your home!
 Watching the five hour January 22 St. Catharines City Council meeting you will learn that without the sale of our transit system your City Taxes comes to a whopping increase of 13%!   
But don't worry they'll get you next year! 
Try Watching the 3.5 hour January 26 Regional Council meeting where you will find a proposed tax increase of 10% plus an increase in water rates of 8.5%! But hey what does a 25+% matter in times like these? Now do you see the value in retaining revenue generating Commerce and industry?
Everyone is free to comment under each and every 'News Alert Niagara' article.

 Predicated on 'Free Speech' our articles are always available for your free use!

 Don't forget to click on the blue Links for the rest of the story!

We have political know-it-all's collecting tax Dollars while blocking public information !

Since his 2010 Biography News Alert Editor Preston Haskell has written a major work titled 'An unpredictable Place'         subtitled 'Beyond Hand me Downs'

Another on corruption part one is about to see part two

Thursday, 5 January 2023

BIA- Business Improvement Area

Also called the Downtown Association
The question has got to be what business improvement has the BIA; Downtown Association done for the main street of St. Catharines for the wasted $20 Million + Interest?
The St. Catharines Downtown Association appears to fall into the category commonly referred to as 'Insanity is doing the same thing year after year, decade after decade and expecting different results'!
More stunning is the fact that the debilitating removal of money from the downtown business community could and should have been put to much better use or perhaps left with the businesses that needed that money!
One of the world's greatest leaders said "Government is not the solution to problems; Government is the problem"
In government's effort to fix what ain't broken the well meaning buffoons formed BIA's!
This 2004 poster and the ridiculous comments being quoted by equally ridiculous political leaders points to where we are today! 
Only in Contario's City of St. Cant can a Christmas Eve Main Street resemble the times of Dickens!

Some remember St. Paul Street before the Feckless BIA with its wonton protection racket!
Before the BIA People did for themselves and if that failed the turned to their City Council and Mayor
Of all the comments from people who noticed the dearth of Season's festivity decoration not one of our elected officials has made a peep! 
Not one explanation as to how removing $400,000 from the bottom line of downtown businesses does anything toward 'Business Improvement'!
This post will be sent to every politician and others for them to finally speak up on behalf of their constituents.
Everyone is free to comment under each and every 'News Alert Niagara' article.

 Predicated on 'Free Speech' our articles are always available for your free use!

 Don't forget to click on the blue Links for the rest of the story!

We have know-it-all's collecting tax Dollars while blocking public information !