Friday, 14 October 2022

Interception and interference

 Criminal Code (R.S.C., 1985, c. C-46)

Addresses the Crime of email intervention and interference of private emails


  •  (1) Every person who, by means of any electro-magnetic, acoustic, mechanical or other device, knowingly intercepts a private communication is guilty of

    • (a) an indictable offence and liable to imprisonment for a term of not more than five years; or

    • (b) an offence punishable on summary conviction.

    • Just following orders is no excuse!

    • Bureaucratic interference of emails from Citizens to their elected officials is inappropriate

      Persons deriving income from taxpayers interfere when permanently blocking emails from Taxpaying Citizens

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      We have know-it-all's collecting tax Dollars while blocking public information ! 

Sunday, 9 October 2022

Did You Know?

That the Ontario Ombudsman ruled, after many long and grueling hours of investigation, that the December 7, 2017 confiscation of reporter Preston Haskell's recording device was unlawful?

Did you know that reporter Preston Haskell has a lawsuit against the Niagara regional regime where Preston finally found the illusive police report regarding the illegal activity of the regional regime.

Sad that one must sue a regime to recover property the regime has stolen! 

There is evidence on the recording clearly indicating what went on, which is the reason the current Regime Chair Jim Bradley is refusing to release the recorder with the damning evidence!

The recorder is in his lawyer Cruikshank's possession hoping the story can be smothered until after the upcoming election.

Nearly 5 years after the illegal confiscation, "Kathleen Wynne's Stealthy Clone" still holds onto stolen property possibly making him guilty of 'obstruction of justice'! Obstruction of Justice (of any kind) carries a penalty of up to ten years in prison or at least it would be if perpetrated by anyone not in political position!                            Costs award incorrectly provided restitution for seized laptop: Alberta Court of Appeal | Canadian Lawyer (

 Criminal Code (R.S.C., 1985, c. C-46) for obstruction of justice regarding Chair Bradley's activity is now in the hands of the Niagara Regional Police Officer Adam Molnar (9779) since August 18, 2022. We will keep you posted. 

Letter from Mickey Cruickshank to my Lawyer  

Re: The Regional Municipality of Niagara et al ats. Haskell Court File No: 5623/19 recently advised by my client, Niagara Region Police, that your client has been contacting them regarding the above-noted matter. He has again reported the incident requesting an investigation regarding this matter despite the fact that he has already commenced litigation regarding same

He has also made statements to my client the he will be publishing an article about the subject incident.

I trust that you were not aware of this, and that you can speak to your client regarding the impropriety of trying to pursue his interests in his lawsuit directly with my client and without your involvement. 

Yours truly, Mickey Cruickshank Legal Counsel


Dear Mr. Cruickshank,

I want you to know that my informing YOUR CLIENT the NRP of a possible 'Obstruction of Justice Crime' is my civic duty and more importantly, my right and has nothing to do with my lawsuit against the Region! 

Furthermore Mr. Cruickshank, it is incumbent upon me to let the voters know what the Regional chair has been up too before they vote!

Perhaps you can speak to your NRP client regarding the impropriety of ignoring valid information concerning criminal acts or even carrying information back to the perpetrator! 

Yours Truly, Preston Haskell

The Burning Question regarding the life-long career of failure Jim Bradley toward the Citizens of Niagara is who is he or better yet what is he?

For the whole of Bradley's political 50yr career of failure, Bradley never once addressed the spectacular over-governance of Niagara! Not even when he was Deputy Premier!

Bradley is Comfortable presiding over a region with obscene tax levels. Niagara suffers obscene tax levels because he and his ilk drove out the wealth creating manufacturing that once made Niagara the 'Shining City on the Hill', which attracted so many. Now we are actually losing population!

The telling evidence that a community is suffering 'diminishing returns' is by the thundering silence from laconic leadership toward our real problems while barking like dogs if their personal ox is gored! 

While so many jurisdictions have succeeded in building back from bombed out basements to become 'Shining Cities on the Hill' as compared with Bradley and his ilk working diligently on taking our once 'Shining City on the Hill' to a unenviable stagnation and dearth of wealth generating industry and commerce where they are actually calling for a police state and even our charities are being crushed!

Unfortunately, there are so few who new and loved
our 'Shining City on the hill' at the time Bradley and his ilk landed in politics!

The sad truth is that the only two things the Niagara Regime is good at is Tax and Spend!

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 Predicated on 'Free Speech' our articles are always available for your free use!

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We have know-it-all's collecting tax Dollars while blocking public information ! 

Sunday, 2 October 2022

No Free Press in Canada

 Government Decides Who is or is not Free Press

Cut and paste story from Joe Warmington, Toronto Sun

Permission, approval, permits and staff accompanying reporters is the future for media covering the news at the airport, even as Transport Canada strongly disagrees with the iron-fisted approach.

We’re not talking about an airport in North Korea, China, Afghanistan or Cuba.

These rules are being brought into Toronto Pearson International Airport. ArriveCan may be gone this weekend but a new rule being installed Monday will fundamentally change how media cover the airport news.

“As you’re likely aware, we recently opened Toronto Pearson terminals back up after having restrictions in place for more than two years,” said a message to media sent out by the Greater Toronto Airports Authority this week. “We’re excited to have more people around, but after consulting with several GTAA officials, we have decided to put in place a more formal media access policy than the email process we had in the past.”

Here it comes.

“Starting Monday, October 3, a request form located on our website will need to be filled out 24 hours before sending crews to the airport, whether reporting from inside a terminal or outside on the curbs, lands, and roadways that make up Toronto Pearson. It’s an automated form, so it shouldn’t take much more effort than our email process from before. But it will give us the info we need to approve or deny requests.”

Approve or deny requests to cover the news? It means only who airport personnel deem acceptable are allowed to report the news. If they don’t like a journalist’s views or something they have reported, they will have the power to not admit them.

For example, I have often gone out to the airport during the pandemic to cover delayed flights, passenger backups, COVID-19 restrictions and testing, passengers with COVID coming into the country, or those being quarantined. But as of Monday, the airport can decide, saying yes or no as to whether or not I can write, photograph and comment on these types of things or even be on the premises!

We reached out to Transport Canada, which strongly disapproves of the GTAA’s incoming new rule.

“Freedom of the press is at the core of our democracy and is a commitment for our Government,” a spokesperson from Transport Canada told the Sun. “Pearson Airport’s new media policy is unacceptable, and our office will be reaching out directly to the Airport to express this concern.”

However, the GTAA is the operator of Pearson airport and is not part of the federal government.

“Once you fill the form out, we’ll review it (as quickly as possible) and decide whether to approve the application, effectively turning the form into a permit,” said the GTAA letter. “We’ll also have a GTAA employee available to accompany crews while on-site.”

A chaperone on a reporter is a first for a free and democratic Canada. They also have put up the crushing rule of having to decide 24 hours before, which makes it particularly difficult when you decide at the last minute to go out to cover something that has just happened. There is nothing wrong with the courtesy of alerting the airport you are planning to be on site, but there should never be licensing or permitting to cover news.

Pearson insists that is not happening with the new guidelines.

“Hi Joe, of course, you and other media will always be welcome at the airport,” said GTAA manager, communications and media relations, Ryan White. “This has nothing to do with access. This policy is just about knowing who is in the building at what time for safety issues and to ensure that our passenger services representatives are informed.”

But until the GTAA grounds their new media rules, it will be as believable as when transport authorities blamed massive airport gridlock on rusty, out-of-practice travellers.

If Canadians accept the state having the power of who gets to report, they will only get what government decides is permissible to be reported. That starts Monday at Pearson!

Fits in nicely with the Chinese Communist Police headquarters located in Toronto

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We have know-it-all's collecting tax Dollars while blocking public information !