Thursday, 31 March 2022

Let'em Eat Crumbs...

Political Elites Strike Again?

The 2021 Sunshine List came out last week and the regional regime of Jim Bradley gave several top bureaucrats unwarranted whopping pay increases at multiples of average incomes!

According to 'The Niagara Independent'; 

The Region of Niagara’s acting Chief Medical Officer of Health (MOH) Dr. Mustafa Hirji, for example, earned $450,420.17 in 2021, a raise of $153,351.28 compared to 2020.

The Region of Niagara’s Chief Administrative Officer (CAO) Ron Tripp earned $313,001.55 in 2021, an increase of $81,520.48 compared to 2020.

In contrast, the City of Toronto, with a population of 2.8 million, only paid its MOH Dr. Eileen DeVilla $321,835.53. While the City of Mississauga, with a municipal population of 718,000, paid its CAO Paul Mitcham $284,855.50.

It doesn't seem to matter to the Niagara Regional Regime of Chair Jim Bradley that Niagara's homeless population is languishing or that he has constituents who cannot afford to repair their leaky rooves! Bradley and Liberal Gang just keep right on spending and taxing while sitting on an accumulated surplus of $Billions! Bradley and gang have an alarming way of showing concern for their taxpaying constituents! No damned wonder he is against a recall mechanism.
What is it with these Liberal Elites? When they get elected some will start acting like they've won a lottery! Like a bunch of con artists, they devise schemes which filters a $percentage into their own pockets. They get rich while working on the public dime knowing full well that no one will investigate their illegal acts and their obstruction of justice. 
As noted, and condemned around the world, Canada's Liberal Elites have taken their perverted brand of democracy to new heights in the form of tyrannical fascism buying off the main stream media as a propaganda tool, weaponizing the police to terrorize innocent Citizens, corrupting our judicial system and then using these tools to quell societal reaction caused by their tyrannical conduct. Liberal Elites are using every weaponized scheme they can find to attack political opponents to the extent that Canada now has political prisoners!
Little Jimmy Bradly is no exception! While stealing the valor of the brave Niagara Citizens who actually ended his predecessor's corrupt regime, Bradley actually bragged, during his 'State of the Region address', about his uncanny ability to rearrange garbage pickup!
Folks, you just can't make this stuff up! Liberal Elites are stealthily tearing our country apart; turning our world renowned Canada into a state of political savagery unrecognizable from what it once was and from the reason Canada has been so admired worldwide. 
Just when you think things can't get any worse; they just did! 
In the face of everything we've witnessed with Liberal Elites from Ottawa down to the smallest village these insensitive Liberal Elites have the temerity and unmitigated gall to suggest that if we vote for them they would raise minimum wage by $One Dollar, which wouldn't cover even a smidgeon of the Liberal Elite's outrageous Inflation!
Begs the question, why are we subjected to voting for the least of the worst instead of voting for the best of the best? Perhaps its because our media acts more like a cheering section than traditional investigative reporting.

 Everyone is free to comment under each and every 'News Alert Niagara' article.

 Predicated on 'Free Speech' our articles are always available for your free use!

 Don't forget to click on the blue Links for the rest of the story!

PS:  Please note the great dearth of comment from our feckless leaders!

Wednesday, 23 March 2022

Genie on the loose!

Poor little darling editorial writer for the Toronto Star newspaper can't understand why people are still demonstrating in cities across Canada and indeed around the world. Say they should go to the Ukraine to get a better understanding of freedom. Maybe the poor little darling should go to North Korea to get a better understanding of Winston Churchill's cautionary words of wisdom or the historically descriptive narrative of Victor Hugo. 

Perhaps the poor little darling can explain the two years of callous abuse heaped upon Canadian Citizens by ignominious governments with the assistance of poor little darlings of the media pontificating from their comfortable pew.

The poor little darlings of the 'bought and paid for media' enabled the now exposed tyrannical fascist Canadian leadership to running roughshod over their Constituents with fear and intimidation until the Citizens were stirred to peacefully protest.

That's when the Genie escaped from the bottle! The Genie escaped from the bottle the moment the Tyrannical Fascists pointed guns at the protesters instead of dialogue! It was exactly at this point when the Citizens understood that their freedom as (and is in peril.

But that's not what the poor little darlings of the media want you to believe! They would have you believe that some mindless trucker woke up one morning and decided to spend $thousands of his own hard earned money to drive his gas guzzling truck thousands of kilometers across Canada to give his government a piece of his mind about nothing; to complain abought nothing; to protest over nothing because according to this poor little media darling this mindless trucker had nothing to complain about!

Opinions emanating from our vaunted media were also present during the greatest reset the world has ever known when heads rolled over the authoritarian treatment of French Citizens by King Louis XVI and his cabal of elitist's; a Citizen revolution which shook the very foundations of the world's monarchies causing international wholesale changes in attitude!

During the calamities of the Waco massacre and the Ruby Ridge murders the poor little darlings of the media failed to grasp the tragic escalation of sentiment until a fertilizer truck bomb blew the front off the Murrah Building

Fascist attitudes have now set the Genie loose creating a situation that must urgently be corrected!

History teaches us that when trust and hope in leadership dies the result tends to be calamitous!

The poor little darlings of the media failed to defuse an explosive situation. Their evil efforts and squalid journalism have made Canadian leadership an international laughing stock while promoting the Trudeau cabal's callous attempt to paint suffering gentle Canadians as terrorists.

 Everyone is free to comment under each and every 'News Alert Niagara' article.

 Predicated on 'Free Speech' our articles are always available for your free use!

 Don't forget to click on the blue Links for the rest of the story!

PS:  Please note the great dearth of comment from our feckless leaders!

Wednesday, 16 March 2022

Where have they been?

 Good Question! 

Where the hell have they been when we needed them?

Hell yes, now that Trudeau and his criminal cabal are heading to the same slag heap as their Ontario counterpart, Kathleen Wynne, there are no shortage of candidates vying for the golden $ring!

In our article 'Who do you have to be to help' News Alert Niagara attempted to illustrate the ineptitude of some of our leadership. 

So, whose fault is it if we continually get stuck with crappy leadership? Who voted in Tyrant PM Trudeau and his Criminal Cabal? Who voted in the hated Ontario Premier Kathleen Wynne? Who voted in the sly Regional Chair Bradley?

Now once again we are to be inundated with smooth talkers telling us everything they think we want to hear, promising us everything they think will get them elected. 

How well has that worked out?

Once elected we are stuck with them and they do as they dammed well please! We are stuck with feckless and corrupt leadership because we listened the their rhetoric instead of examining their background, history and persona. 

In our society we don't elect good leaders, we vote
faulty leaders out after it is too late and they have done their damage. Determining their value before we elect them could, in some cases, mitigate the damage the wrong leaders have done and will do at least until we get a good recall mechanism. When it comes to the mere thought of 'recall' the preponderance of our current batch of leadership will recoil like fictional vampires from a Crucifix. Go ahead and ask them if they support recall.

A great example is the current Federal Conservative leadership race. Political party criminal cabals desperately pushing to have their choice of safe candidates to win so as not to upset their particular corrupt control and financial abuse over the population often as not to fill their own pockets.

What the voter has to do is follow the candidate who has actually been fighting on the Citizen's behalf as opposed to those displaying a conduct of abuse and neglect toward their Citizens.

The 450K readers of News Alert Niagara are well acquainted with our efforts to inform the public about the authoritarian war on the public all the way from legal harassment to downright ignorance.

With the June election coming up we will be publishing who is working for our society and who is not; who is listening to the public and who is not and even those that enjoy taxpayer funds while blocking information from taxpayers while simply cluttering up the place!

As illustrated in the 'Red Meme' above, perhaps the best thing to come out of the so-called pandemic is the sad exposure of mindless authoritarian abuse of Citizens from so many levels of government. 
Over the decades of watching and writing about the exponential degradation and political misadventures, genuine alarm is setting in regarding the mortal separation between the Citizen and their authorities.

 Everyone is free to comment under each and every 'News Alert Niagara' article.

 Predicated on 'Free Speech' our articles are always available for your free use!

 Don't forget to click on the blue Links for the rest of the story!

PS:  Please note the great dearth of comment from our feckless leaders!

PS, for those that have forgotten what freedom looks like please consider this LINK...

Monday, 7 March 2022

What's the BIG SECRET?

What are they trying to hide? Who are they trying to hide their conduct from? Who the hell are they working for?

Who are we talking about?

We are talking about our so-called Canadian Justice system!

A justice system so opaque that it is hidden in windowless rooms away from the scrutiny of prying eyes and of recording devises under threats of jail time and $50 thousand for recording and exposing whatever they are hiding from the public. Not much good is found in darkness! 

The justice system supposedly belongs to the public. It is paid for by the public and in this modern era it should be recorded for posterity and more importantly for evidence of justice.

After decades of witnessing court trials of fellow citizens  we slowly came the the realization that we were no longer witnessing the ups and downs of Citizens going through a justice systems simply based evidence, facts and logic. 

We now understand that our justice system is acting as a defense mechanism against Citizens who mistakenly believe they can find justice or that they can prevail against civil
authorities. In an effort to protect the hand that feeds them, our Justice of the Peace will even make illogical rulings, as evidenced by the number of reversals when appealed to superior court. Of course by then the desired effect has been achieved! The Citizens has been priced out of justice! 

The following Links will take you to 4 out of our many tragic stories illustrating the nature of our justice system...

So, after the many disgusting stories of judicial malfeasance, why do we want to continue in vain? We are willing to continue because of the plight of one of Voltaire's heroines, Tamara Lich.

Tamara Lich made the great mistake of protesting against unnecessary and sustained hardships perpetrated by her government. For her involvement in a peaceful protest she is labeled by the criminal Trudeau, and his ilk, a terrorist, arrested, jailed and denied bail by one more crafty 'justice of the peace' protecting the disgusting master making our Canadian leadership a world-wide laughing stock and garnering scorn and hatred by so many!

Our position is; if this the best our justice system can do then place these 'Justices of the Peace' on the ballet box to mitigate their penchant for lopsided judicial malfeasance. 

New Alert Niagara asserts that it is crucial to consider exactly who or what Tamara Lich, and so many millions of Canadian Citizens were protesting! 

The above meme fully illustrates the fact that our feckless leaders went from authoritarian to terrorist the moment they pointed guns at peaceful protestors instead of dialogue! 
They refused to talk to their constituents because they knew full well that they had precipitated the protest over their two year long violent subjugation based on their version of science; political science!
Kudos goes to those willing to prove Churchill's opinion correct too fight against the tyranny of fascism before it's to late and the effort becomes dire!
With the aid of the (bought and paid for media) the fascist tyrants have split society into two camps; those fear a future of oppression and the other who won't recognize the danger until they witness buildings on fire and bodies cluttering up the streets! 
Make no mistake, any squalid leader who would prefer to aim guns at their innocent constituents rather than hear their legitimate, tyrant generated, grievances have proven they would not hesitate to murder!  

 Everyone is free to comment under each and every 'News Alert Niagara' article.

 Predicated on 'Free Speech' our articles are always available for your free use!

 Don't forget to click on the blue Links for the rest of the story!

PS:  Please note the great dearth of comment from our feckless leaders!

PS, for those that have forgotten what freedom looks like please consider this LINK...