Yes, somebody got more for their money but it wasn't Canadian Citizens!
The greatest example of misused Taxpayer $Dollars is watching the CBC news hours long show depicting the mopping up of the Freedom Convoy in Ottawa depicting peaceful Canadian Citizens facing the horrors of clubs, teargas, trampling horses and even lethal military weapons all for the CRIME of congregating on public streets desperately trying to have their grievances heard.
And just what did these innocent Canadian Citizens hear from the criminal in charge?
The criminal man-child in charge, who created the Freedom Convoy in the first place, refused to even speak to his suffering Citizens. Instead, our criminal, who should be in jail, tried, with the collusion of the CBC news, to paint the populace as some sort of terrorists who just happened to wake up one morning and decide to drive from all corners of the country to overthrow the government! Even the adults in the house couldn't convince the criminal PM to talk to his Citizens!
Unfortunately, for the criminal in charge and his CBC news pals, thousands of camera-phones recorded the truth. Because of camera-phones the whole world watched in horror as our Canada and its people collapsed into fascism!
The criminal man-child in charge of the criminal Cabal masquerading as a political party and with the paid collusion of the CBC news, a wedge has been created pitting Citizen against Citizen regarding what the whole world sees as an all out war on Canadian Citizens and their diminishing rights and freedoms.
The criminal man-child PM and has ilk bemoans the plight of Ottawa Citizens predicated on the inconvenience of the Freedom Rally all the while ignoring the root cause of the discontent. The criminal man-child PM, his ilk and his paid media would have people believe that idiotic overreach had nothing to do with the public backlash.
Perhaps the CBC news and their political champion could explain just who crushed our 'Charter of Rights and Freedoms', Breaking the Nuremberg Code, incoherent lock downs, extorted financial torture, irrationally jailing Pastors while freeing criminals, exuberant police brutality, tyrannical denial of services, travel bans, suppression of free speech, lying to the public, physical & psychological harassment, illegal constructive firing & denial of employment, mortally withholding of life saving medicines, denial of medical services, medical blackmail, social distancing, restricting food shopping, worthless face masks, mandating risky inoculations, Covic-19 passports, halts visits & deny social trips for long-term care residents, destroy much of small business, destroying lives, create inflation, manipulated supply shortages, interruption of education, increased drug addiction & suicide, not to mention the long term damage to our children and future generations!
Topping it all off with the lunatic concept of mandating restrictions on the very people who have been safely keeping Canada going in the face of a lunatic leadership addicted to power!
News Alert Niagara has every confidence that continuing in the footsteps of historic tyrannical fascist regimes this socialist lunatic will lead us into a tragic and costly situation that will be had to stop.
Not only does our overpriced CBC News not tell truth, the whole truth and nothing but the truth but they are content to witness anyone else engaging in the honest dissemination of news being abused by the criminal man-child PM's thugs.Canada's criminal man-child PM got his money's worth by spending other people's hundreds of $millions to purchase the now propaganda arm of CBC news but the Citizens of Canada did not!
Our Criminal man-child PM (and his ilk) owes $600+ Million to Canadians and we want our money back and we would appreciate payment before he is incarcerated.
Predicated on 'Free Speech' our articles are always available for your free use!
Don't forget to click on the blue Links for the rest of the story!
PS: Please note the great dearth of comment from our feckless leaders!