Monday, 21 February 2022

More for the Money

 Yes, somebody got more for their money but it wasn't Canadian Citizens!

Canada's Prime Minister Justin Trudeau got more for our money when he misused over $600Million of hard earned Taxpayer dollars to buy the allegiance of the state run CBC news.

The greatest example of misused Taxpayer $Dollars is watching the CBC news hours long show depicting the mopping up of the Freedom Convoy in Ottawa depicting peaceful Canadian Citizens facing the horrors of clubs, teargas, trampling horses and even lethal military weapons all for the CRIME of congregating on public streets desperately trying to have their grievances heard.

And just what did these innocent Canadian Citizens hear from the criminal in charge? 


The criminal man-child in charge, who created the Freedom Convoy in the first place, refused to even speak to his suffering Citizens. Instead, our criminal, who should be in jail, tried, with the collusion of the CBC news, to paint the populace as some sort of terrorists who just happened to wake up one morning and decide to drive from all corners of the country to overthrow the government! Even the adults in the house couldn't convince the criminal PM to talk to his Citizens!

Unfortunately, for the criminal in charge and his CBC news pals, thousands of camera-phones recorded the truth. Because of camera-phones the whole world watched in horror as our Canada and its people collapsed into fascism!

The criminal man-child in charge of the criminal Cabal masquerading as a political party and with the paid collusion of the CBC news, a wedge has been created pitting Citizen against Citizen regarding what the whole world sees as an all out war on Canadian Citizens and their diminishing rights and freedoms.

The criminal man-child PM and has ilk bemoans the plight of Ottawa Citizens predicated on the inconvenience of the Freedom Rally all the while ignoring the root cause of the discontent. The criminal man-child PM, his ilk and his paid media would have people believe that idiotic overreach had nothing to do with the public backlash. 

Perhaps the CBC news and their political champion could explain just who crushed our 'Charter of Rights and Freedoms', Breaking the Nuremberg Code, incoherent lock downs, extorted financial torture, irrationally jailing Pastors while freeing criminals, exuberant police brutality, tyrannical denial of services, travel bans, suppression of free speech, lying to the public, physical & psychological harassment, illegal constructive firing & denial of employment, mortally withholding of life saving medicines, denial of medical services, medical blackmail, social distancing, restricting food shopping, worthless face masks, mandating risky inoculations, Covic-19 passports, halts visits & deny social trips for long-term care residents, destroy much of small business, destroying lives, create inflation, manipulated supply shortages, interruption of education, increased drug addiction & suicide, not to mention the long term damage to our children and future generations!

Topping it all off with the lunatic concept of mandating restrictions on the very people who have been safely keeping Canada going in the face of a lunatic leadership addicted to power! 

News Alert Niagara has every confidence that continuing in the footsteps of historic tyrannical fascist regimes this socialist lunatic will lead us into a tragic and costly situation that will be had to stop. 

Not only does our overpriced CBC News not tell truth, the whole truth and nothing but the truth but they are content to witness anyone else engaging in the honest dissemination of news being abused by the criminal man-child PM's thugs.

Canada's criminal man-child PM got his money's worth by spending other people's hundreds of $millions to purchase the now propaganda arm of CBC news but the Citizens of Canada did not!

Our Criminal man-child PM (and his ilk) owes $600+ Million to Canadians and we want our money back and we would appreciate payment before he is incarcerated. 

 Everyone is free to comment under each and every 'News Alert Niagara' article.

 Predicated on 'Free Speech' our articles are always available for your free use!

 Don't forget to click on the blue Links for the rest of the story!

PS:  Please note the great dearth of comment from our feckless leaders!


Thursday, 17 February 2022

Historic Epiphany

Will Rogers wrote that There are three kinds of people. The ones that learns by reading. The few who learn by observation. The rest of them have to pee on the electric fence for themselves.

Well people, it appears that some of us have just peed on a political electric fence and it turned out to be a historic epiphany. A sudden realization that Canada has morphed into a fascist state proving Ayn Rand's 'Atlas Shrugged' character John Galt correct that Canadians are now ruled at the barrel of a gun.

John Galt was proven correct when the Fascists in charge used guns and tanks against unarmed Canadian protesters instead of intelligent negotiation or, for that matter, any negotiation at all!

For those who have yet to pee on the political electric fence, please at least listen to those who failed to act when their fascist criminals first spun out of control! Their failure to act in time to stop fascism is the very reason they had to escape to come here!

Question: Where do those escapees of Fascism or even we escape to now?

Countless numbers of people have tried to appease Fascism. 

All have failed! 

Sir Winston Churchill said "An appeaser is someone feeding the Alligator hoping to be eaten last"

It is not particularly safe to be sitting in Pierre Burtons 'Comfortable Pew' hoping to avoid scrutiny just trying to 'Go along to get along'. But, as in every country that has fallen into tyrannical fascism, scrutiny of you will come when its your turn there will be no one left to come to your aid because no system of governance survives fascism.

Fascism raises its ugly head through many forms. 

The most insidious manifestation of fascism is by stealth. 

That's Right- Stealth Fascism

Alarm was setting in predicated on the unwarranted overload and advance of the empire building and unaccountable sub-government expansion designed to do the work of those that we we have actually elected and hired. Empire Building and unaccountable sub-governments set up to take the blame and do the dirty work of abuse against innocent Canadians by using our judicial system as a weapon against justice.

During the years of sitting in court rooms witnessing some of the worst decisions ever adjudicated, News Alert Niagara had no idea that what we were witnessing was a barrier to justice by justices demonstrably acting as protection for government and government entities. We witnessed Citizen after Citizen who had previously  persistently placed their faith in our judicial system only to find themselves struggling to financially find justice in the face of a skewed justice system. Most folk won't notice until they become the victim sitting in the seclusion of the secretive courtroom; a courtroom where justices unlawfully threaten journalists for lawfully recording their proceedings. Ask yourselves why are they so afraid of witnesses? Could t be that they don't want the public to witness justices illegally dismissing a battery charge against a corrupt official predicated on the justice's erroneous claim that the charge battery wasn't laid within 6 months!

Although the the current Liberal Government of Prime Minister Justin Trudeau was not in power during the years of explosive expansion of abuse of Canadian Citizens, he has now taken over from the hated McGuinty/Wynne Liberals. The hated McGuinty/Wynne Liberals became so hated that the Voters wiped them out leaving them with only 6 seats and losing their official party standing.

Unlike the lawbreaking criminal PM Trudeau no one actually thought of the hated Kathleen Wynne as a traitor!  
Sadly, the Canadian PM Trudeau's conduct has made himself the world's most hated man who will not survive the emergency he has created!

After Crushing of our 'Charter of Rights and Freedoms', Breaking the Nuremberg Code, incoherent lock downs, extorted financial torture, irrationally jailing Pastors while freeing criminals, exuberant police brutality, tyrannical denial of services, travel bans, suppression of free speech, lying to the public, physical & psychological harassment, illegal constructive firing & denial of employment, mortally withholding of life saving medicines, denial of medical services, medical blackmail, social distancing, restricting food shopping, worthless face masks, mandating risky inoculations, Covic-19 passports, halts visits & deny social trips for long-term care residents, destroy much of small business, destroying lives, create inflation, manipulated supply shortages, interruption of education, increased drug addiction & suicide, not to mention the long term damage to our children and future generations all in the stated goal of slowing the spread of CV! 

The War Measures Act, now called the Emergency Measures Act has been invoked.... under false pretenses.. there is no national emergency or war!!! This is a very dangerous step and you need to be aware of some of the implications.

What we are witnessing is the worst of Fascism, Marxism, Technocracy and Globalism. This is why it`s so hard to pin down by definition. They all have one thing in common Absolute Control over Absolutely Everything By Force! -The Houndog

 Everyone is free to comment under each and every 'News Alert Niagara' article.

 Predicated on 'Free Speech' our articles are always available for your free use!

 Don't forget to click on the blue Links for the rest of the story!

PS:  Please note the great dearth of comment from our feckless leaders!

Friday, 11 February 2022

Who Told You All That?

 We told you All that!

And what did we tell you and when did we tell you that Draconian Liars, Tyrannical Authoritarians and Covert Fascists where in the business of removing your rights and freedoms!    Our first attempt to raise the alarm regarding the fascist's spurious use of a pandemic to remove your rights and freedoms was disseminated June 29, 2021 under the heading 'The Great Canadian Inquisition'!                                                                   As early as July 2, 2021 we tried to warn about the growing fascism in Canada in our article 'Identify a Fascist'!

On September 2, 2021 News Alert Niagara again tried alert you to the fascist effort to 'Destroy Society to Save Society' in the exuberant desire to sell vaccines!

We even pointed to fascist 'Crimes Against Humanity' article disseminated October 2021!

Our very last article of 2021 December 30, we asked 'What Happened to Do No Harm'?

As recent as January, 2022 we were 'Crying in the Wilderness' regarding 'Criminal Cabals' masquerading as political parties openly conducting themselves in fascist-like criminal activities!

Most of the 450K 'News Alert Niagara' readers claimed that they did read our articles. Some even made comment. 

Did you? Or did you 'Delete without reading'?

Worse, are you one of the few who 'Block' our articles because you already know everything.

The saying that you can always tell a fascist but you can't tell him much must be true because our political fascists can't even hear a thousand truck 'Convoy for Freedom' blowing a billion decibels.

The whole world is listening and reacting positively, while our clowns are deaf, dumb and fascist!

The greatest lesson brought to us by the 'Trucker Convoy for Freedom' is the difference between the Fascist method of closing down 'Rights & Freedoms' with violence juxtaposed to the Citizens closing down Fascism without violence.

 Everyone is free to comment under each and every 'News Alert Niagara' article.

 Predicated on 'Free Speech' our articles are always available for your free use!

 Don't forget to click on the blue Links for the rest of the story!

PS:  Please note the great dearth of comment from our feckless leaders!

Wednesday, 9 February 2022

Who wrote about Traveling with Ayn?

Who Traveled with Ayn Rand throughout her adventures?

I Did!

Talking philosophy and meeting her friends along the way from Denver, Colorado to Fountain Hills, Arizona indelibly colored my outlook and seriously checked my premises

Ayn Rand has that effect on people!

Because of Ayn Rand, I created the following 'Forward' for my book 'An Unpredictable Place'.


 Hand-Me-Downs and Beyond

 The year was Nineteen Ninety-Eight. That was a very consequential year. That year was of such consequence to Nancy and me for one very good reason. That was the year we met Ayn Rand. That edifying introduction was exactly one century after the revolutionary painter,
Mr. Gauguin, wrote his enlightening Eighteen Ninety-Eight letter to Dr. Gouzer espousing his contempt for the critics, academics and mediocrities that he felt were dragging on the world of art at that time. I often muse that we endure those very same characters that perpetually drag on today’s art world with their everlasting pant-load of historic suppositions and their enduring fear of the unversed and innovative. Gauguin’s rebellious letter was a century after the French Revolution; a revolting contretemps that gave some of the greatest nations on earth pause for thought, reflection, and a sense of urgency for social reform. The French Revolution, like the American Revolution, was born of the enlightened philosophy that characteristically rages against recurrent arrogance of power. The French Revolution, like the American Revolution, ruptured centuries of forcefully contained loathing. Words, expressions, and thoughts such as, “Man is born free, yet everywhere he is in chains”, captured the minds and hearts of the repressed, unleashing an explosion of unstoppable energy. The revolution continued in various forms following the dramatically induced paraphrase of the American experience, “Declaration of the Rights of Man”. Centuries of vulgar assumption, abuse, and arrogance are observably not changed overnight, or indeed, any time soon. My interest lies in the fact that these words, “Man is born free, yet everywhere he is in chains”, are written, and caused to be written in the book titled The Social Contract, by an intuitive fifty-year-old, unschooled, eighteenth century French philosopher, named Jean-Jacques Rousseau. Given that Rousseau self-educated himself through reading, could it be that he has received these sentiments from the English philosopher John Lock? Lock proffers the theory of a fair and balanced social contract between the state and the individual. Lock also espouses his judgment that a government that breaks the social contract can be terminated, even by force if necessary. I must conclude that Lock garners his opinion from history. 

There certainly has been, and continues to be, ample evidence of arrogance of power, abuse of power, malignant greed, and even professional misconduct, from which eternally hopeful and repeatedly deceived societies have been, and continue to be, so painfully forced to rediscover. Society is repeatedly forced to rediscover that which they fail to learn from available prior knowledge, from readily available information that stares society in the face, screams enlightenment, shrieks to be heard, bangs on debilitated brains incapacitated by the arrogant supposition of overly educated know-it-alls, who surmise that so much knowledge has already been acquired that the computation of fact, intuitive deduction, and reason are only valuable if combined with inflated forms of deceptively and deliberately protracted study. Our philosophy and our reasoning can be traced back through knowledge handed down to us from recorded history. Aristotle, one of history’s most influential philosophers, transforms the inherent thinking of Socrates, through the efforts and philosophy of Plato, into a road map of life that influences our politics, our legal system, and even our thought. Music, as we know it, following the common ‘Gregorian chant’, can be charted in an unbroken line from the magnificent and, more importantly, creative efforts of the sixteenth century composer, Palestrina, “The Prince of Music” and his enduring Missa Papea Marcelli to the present day. Art, as we appreciate it, has been continually and masterfully portrayed back 30,000 years to the primitive, ever imaginative and illuminating, images created on the walls of caves. Political, professional, and bureaucratic corruption and greed, as we suffer it, highlights the destruction of every society in history. Can there be any greater menace to any society? Knowledge, as we understand it, has been expanding throughout the course of history. It has been handed down to us through verse and song. The receptive, particularly the very young, grasp for knowledge like a drowning man will clutch for a straw. Long before we understand that we need knowledge for life’s prerequisites, we are eagerly searching for it in every nook, crook and cranny of our domain. Baring irrational impediments, our eager search endures unabated and unabashedly for the whole of our natural lives. We fervently harvest the preponderance of our desired knowledge by inquisitive investigation. We garner the necessary expertise throughout our vocation as a protégé. All prior knowledge comes to us as hand-me-downs. Everything we think we know, and everything that we think we are, comes from others. The only time we advance beyond hand-medowns is the moment we create or discover something that never was. Knowledge appears and expands through continual discovery, rediscovery, and more importantly, creative genius. Our knowledge will continue to appear and expand by fortuitous discovery and/or through the efforts of the multitude of marvelous people with the innate propensity to create. Facing the turn of the century and entering the third millennium, how are we doing? Our scientific knowledge has mushroomed! Technology has triumphed! We are on the cutting edge in medicine! Our education system is smugly espoused to be the greatest! The supposedly unassailable Bill of Rights and Constitution ostensibly protects personal rights and freedoms. With all this extraordinary success and a good measure of professional braggadocio, surely we should be forgiven if we, erroneously, conclude that man’s inherent barbarism has also been conquered. Unfortunately, our baggage of brutality has traveled with us through all of our successes. Everything we have accomplished, everything we have developed, and everything we have learned is being put to use either as weapons or bait. The world is becoming a society of knowledgeable savages!

Preston Haskell 
mpa, fppo, f/ppoc


Saturday, 5 February 2022

Canada the Good - until NOW!

Predicated on the suffering Canadian Citizens have had to put up with at the hands of political predator's it looks like 'Canada the Good' is diminishing!

Not only has our Corrupt PM, and his ilk, caused the generally polite and famously docile Canadians to say directly to our PM's face "F*ck Trudeau" but our PM and gang has spurred on a whole new industry creating "F*ck Trudeau" Signs, Flags, Decals, Bumper stickers, Etc., Etc.

Since PM Trudeau and his draconian ilk can't fathom why his constituents have finally stood up to tell the Canadian leadership were to go, let 'News Alert Niagara' spell it out for them...

 After Crushing of our 'Charter of Rights and Freedoms', Breaking the Nuremberg Code, incoherent lock downs, extorted financial torture, irrationally jailing Pastors while freeing criminals, exuberant police brutality, tyrannical denial of services, travel bans, suppression of free speech, lying to the public, physical & psychological harassment, illegal constructive firing & denial of employment, mortally withholding of life saving medicines, denial of medical services, medical blackmail, social distancing, restricting food shopping, worthless face masks, mandating risky inoculations, Covic-19 passports, halts visits & deny social trips for long-term care residents, destroy much of small business, destroying lives, create inflation, manipulated supply shortages, interruption of education, increased drug addiction & suicide, not to mention the long term damage to our children and future generations all in the stated goal of slowing the spread of CV! 

After causing the problem these simple SOBs are now threatening military action against their fellow Canadians who have had enough of corrupt and criminal government!

At this point in the struggle our criminal PM, and his ilk, who should already be in jail, are threatening to do what his fellow Draconian Tyrant Ceausescu was shot for.

If any of our criminal cabals (masquerading as political parties) hurt even one of the legitimate protesters who are desperately trying to be heard, may the PM and his ilk get what they deserve!


 Everyone is free to comment under each and every 'News Alert Niagara' article.

 Predicated on 'Free Speech' our articles are always available for your free use!

 Don't forget to click on the blue Links for the rest of the story!

PS:  Please note the great dearth of comment from our feckless leaders!