Tuesday, 29 June 2021

The Great Canadian Inquisition

Without leaders like Florida Governor Ron DeSantis and Greg Abbott of Texas, our feckless Socialist leaders would still be allowing unelected 'Inquisitors' to abuse our Canadian Charter of Rights and Freedoms! 

While Governor DeSantis and Governor Abbott took full charge and responsibility for the health and welfare of their respective Citizens, our Canadian political leaders hid behind questionable health authorities who exorcised their new found power to crush our constitutional rights. 
Unlike the Florida and Texas governors our psychotic bumblecrats release criminals and lock up Church Pastors for months at a time on the pitiful excuse of a coronavirus so 'deadly' it did not raise the death rate. 

In the spring, when the couple returned to Canada from their latest humanitarian trip, they received $12,000 in fines after refusing to submit to a COVID test and check in to a quarantine hotel.

Why would they? They tested negative before boarding their flight to Canada and had an empty home waiting for them to quarantine in hassle-free.  

It is discouraging to witness our judicial system assisting in the overly exuberant use of force being applied to Citizens while our so-called leadership breaks rules, regulation and laws as if they are above rules, regulations and laws.
Worse, these same nincompoops authorize the 'Financial Torture' and 'police violence' on innocent Citizens while we have to witness the 'Freedoms' of others living in jurisdictions with proper leadership!
We Salute and Encourage all Citizen Journalists

Everyone is free to comment under each and every 'News Alert Niagara' article.

Predicated on 'Free Speech' our articles are always available for your free use!

Don't forget to click on the blue Links for the rest of the story!

Friday, 18 June 2021

Satisfaction is Trading 30K for 430K

You have no idea how elated and happy we where when our readership hit 30,000 page views! Can you imagine our satisfaction at 430,000 page-views?

Decades of commenting on events, political and otherwise, and even producing a hard copy magazine followed by 11 years of on-line magazine titled 'The mirror on Line', we are very satisfied that News Alert Niagara has reached 430,000 pageviews. In our own small way we do our best to disseminate news, information and opinion not covered or available anywhere else. 

The common advice is to keep your head down because the nail sticking up gets clobbered. Certainly true in our case! We have been hammered every which way from Sunday. You can find everything by reading News Alert Niagara or by reading our Free eBook available from Amazon titled 'Exposing Corruption'.

What you will find on our pages is the deliberate destruction of our computers, physical assault, false charges, blocked emails and more. 

What you won't find on our pages is a single comment from those same corrupt authorities we write about or any excuse in their own defense!

Never in our society's existence has communication among our Citizens been so crucial. We are facing ever increasing political corruption, fascist tendencies in government, incoherent Covid-19 health rules bordering on a modern day inquisition.

Failing main stream news media makes it even more important that people find other ways to communicate with each other. While under threat, social media is the last resort for public dissemination of news, information and opinion.

We Salute and Encourage all Citizen Journalists

Everyone is free to comment under each and every 'News Alert Niagara' article.

Predicated on 'Free Speech' our articles are always available for your free use!

Don't forget to click on the blue Links for the rest of the story!