Thursday, 27 May 2021

When the finer points of Law destroys Justice

 The news is out, and it is not good!

In actual fact it's about as bad as it could possibly be when it comes to our so-called judicial system and the minutia of Law!
My Friends, I've just about seen it all or at least all I care to see!
Sitting through court cases of innocent Citizens I have witnessed courtroom justices handing out sentences of $100 + community service for theft of $17,000.00 worth of power equipment or another for holding a knife to the throat of a convenience store clerk on the basis that they are in drug rehab and unlike property owners they have NO financial assets for the persecutors to extort!
I watched as a Justice of the peace threw long-time 
journalists from his courtroom for quietly recording for their newspaper even though Section 136 of the Courts of Justice Act brought in by none other than the Chief Justice of Ontario allows for journalistic recording of court proceedings. I was personally threatened by a judge with a $50,000.00 fine for following the Chief Justice's directive. 
However, all the buffoonery in the world pales when it come to an ego laden judge who claims a Citizen should suffer the harshest penalty possible for ALMOST DOING SOMETHING!
That's right folks! You read it right! Because of the finer points of law an innocent couple of Citizens were accused and persecuted on the basis that they almost did something. They were savagely persecuted by an out of control conservation authority hell bent on empire building with total disregard for natural or moral justice. 
At the time of the charges against this innocent couple our disgusting conservation authorities were steadily increasing the exclusion zones surrounding suspiciously-designated wetlands for the sole purpose of financially snaring innocent citizens under the spurious claim of protecting Wetlands.
Please follow the BLUE LINKS provided to understand the years of persecution and the failure of everybody surrounding 'The lady of the Horses' Jean Thomas. Their membership in the 'Ontario Landowner Association' proved fruitless with members advising not to make the situation political when we clearly understand that everything is political. Shining the political spotlight is how we finally flushed out the conduct of the persecutors and brought political attention to the sordid and corrupt situation. Their legal counsel somehow steered them from the disinfecting power of the public spotlight leaving 'News Alert Niagara' sidelined.
Folks, when you view Jean Thomas's sand ring for her horses, a horse ring that has not harmed the neighboring wetland in over 5 years please speculate what these mindless conservationists would have done to the world famous Architect Mr. Frank LLoyd Wright and his renowned 'Falling Waters'.
May we point out that the difference is that our esteemed courts have used the finer points of the law to leave Jean and her family with a totally unwarranted $600,000.00 lien on her house! 
Now we are playing the waiting game to see what's in store for us since our Ontario CINO Government has promoted the very same head of the offending conservation authority to be the grand pupa of conservation!

Everyone is free to comment under each and every 'News Alert Niagara' article.

Predicated on 'Free Speech' our articles are always available for your free use!

Don't forget to click on the blue Links for the rest of the story!

Thursday, 20 May 2021

Who let the Hounds of Hell Loose

Was it always allowed for police officers to kidney punch 16 year old boys? 
Was it always allowed for police officers to beat up grandparents
What kind of mindset prompts a cop to brutalize Citizens?
Who trains people to brutalize Citizens or does this occur naturally?
Questions! Often asked; do you support the police? Of coarse we support our police! We need police! We want police! We want good police and for the most part we think we have good police.
However, our current opinion is being challenged by police officers acting as judge, jury and executioners and worse having police hierarchy making excuses for bad police behavior.
It's one thing to have Police thinking this level of brutality towards Citizens is their right and their duty but it's quite another thing to have police hierarchy trying to justify police brutality! If Brutalizing Citizens is considered PROTECOL, then a major change in policing is in order!

A police service that cannot communicate rationally with Citizens is a police service not worth having! Citizens with their camera phones and civil rights auditors are barely holding thug cops in check! The view is not pretty and the growing public perception is not favorable to a positive and preferred outcome.
Control your cops or be controlled!

Everyone is free to comment under each and every 'News Alert Niagara' article.

Predicated on 'Free Speech' our articles are always available for your free use!

Don't forget to click on the blue Links for the rest of the story!

Canadian Rights Media

Assault on 16 year old

Durham Police Assault on elderly couple

Monday, 17 May 2021

Crooks, Creeps & Lying Haters - EXPOSED

On May 9, 2021 'News Alert Niagara' posted an article regarding municipal abuse of Citizens  titled: 'Not Illegal if We do it'. 

As you will see, if you open the story, it wraps around the Municipality of Fort Erie in conjunction with the local detachment of the Niagara Regional Police trespassing, destroying and theft of a Citizen's private possessions from private property. 

'News Alert Niagara' has grown familiar with the antics of 'Crooks, Creeps &Lying Haters'. 'News Alert Niagara' has suffered physical battery, government theft of our equipment, withholding our possessions for several years by government, attacks on our computers, destruction of our computers, attempted hacking for ransom of our internet site. 

However, it was the during the dissemination of our following story titled: 'A Case for Free Press and Free Speech that we discovered that some 'Crooks, Creeps &Lying Haters' had effectively shut down every single 'News Alert Niagara' story that we have ever published. All 522 Stories - GONE!

Contrary to the claim of the 'Crooks, Creeps
&Lying Haters', 
'News Alert Niagara'
has never been deceptive as can be observed in the content of our volunteer efforts. That is the reason we have published our work in a
free eBook on amazon and we are now working on volume #2.

Instead of responding to our stories in the comment section under each and every article with 'intelligence, logic and reason' the 'Crooks, Creeps &Lying Haters' choose to destroy 'Free Press and deny Free Speech!

Certainly it must grate the 'Crooks, Creeps &Lying Haters' that the Blogger Team re-evaluated and fully reinstated our blog. 

Google to comment under each and every 'News Alert Niagara' article.

Predicated on 'Free Speech' our articles are available for your free use!

Don't forget to click on the blue Links for the rest of the story!

Friday, 14 May 2021

A Case for Free Press and Free Speech

Finally a semblance of hope for journalistic integrity

A courageous MP demands freedom of press and free speech for Rebel News in Parliament.

Sadly, the demand for freedom of press and free speech for Rebel News did not come from an MP in our Canadian Parliament!

The champion of a free press and free speech came from Dr. Catherine Cumming, MP Australia who claimed in their Parliament; "Independent media, including Rebel News, have played a vital role in the past twelve months."

Hell NO! The 443 concerned characters populating our Canadian Parliament and Senate uttered not a peep from a single creep with balls enough to stand up for freedom of the press and free speech! 

Predicated on Canada's headlong rush to Fascism, the famous quote  "I Disapprove of What You Say, But I Will Defend to the Death Your Right to Say It." has been tyrannically twisted to mean "WE disapprove of what you say so WE will destroy you and your right to say it." 

The fact is such that the first sign of Fascist Tyranny is government attacking Free Press and Free SpeechWithout Free Press and Free Speech you have nothing! You become a slave to MOB RULE because OUR Democracy is more than just the right to vote! If Canada ever had a major Free Press it died the moment it accepted the Trudeau Liberal Governments $600Billon bribe of hush money!

The Trudeau Liberal Government's $600Billion bribe of hush money has sent the financial beneficiaries  of 'the bribe' to actively participate in the demise of independent Free Press and Free Speech! 
Ironically, it was never an independent Free Press or even Free Speech, as on the internet, that challenged the existence of main stream media; it was the dearth fair and balanced service to their patrons. It's not the bought and paid for media that informs the world of government wrongdoing. Our bought and paid for media fails to expose the enlightening and exciting details emanating from places like Florida and Texas when it comes to handling the Covide-19 pandemic. Our bought and paid for media sticks to spreading the pandemic of FEAR and failing to cover the horrors of increasingly 'Ceausescu like' Government's treatment of Canadian Citizens. 

With a little more effort in the politically biased media's current trajectory there is every likelihood that the main stream media could follow their Trudeau Liberal benefactor into oblivion!

Everyone is free to comment under each and every 'News Alert Niagara' article.

Predicated on 'Free Speech' our articles are always available for your free use!

Don't forget to click on the blue Links for the rest of the story!

Wednesday, 5 May 2021

An Unpredictable Place

 Beyond Hand me Downs

It took years for Preston Haskell to finally finish it.

It being this book so relevant today.

The following is the forward of 'An Unpredictable Place' - beyond hand me downs.

The year was Nineteen Ninety-Eight. That was a very
consequential year. That year was of such consequence to Nancy and me for one very good reason. That was the year we met Ayn Rand. That edifying introduction was exactly one century after the revolutionary painter, Mr. Gauguin, wrote his enlightening Eighteen Ninety-Eight letter to Dr. Gouzer espousing his contempt for the critics, academics and mediocrities that he felt were dragging on the world of art at that time. I often muse that we endure those very same characters that perpetually drag on today’s art world with their everlasting pant-load of historic suppositions and their enduring fear of the unversed and innovative.

            Gauguin’s rebellious letter was a century after the French Revolution; a revolting contretemps that gave some of the greatest nations on earth pause for thought, reflection, and a sense of urgency for social reform.

The French Revolution, like the American Revolution, was born of the enlightened philosophy that characteristically rages against recurrent arrogance of power. The French Revolution, like the American Revolution, ruptured centuries of forcefully contained loathing. Words, expressions, and thoughts such as, “Man is born free, yet everywhere he is in chains”, captured the minds and hearts of the repressed, unleashing an explosion of unstoppable energy. The revolution continued in various forms following the dramatically induced paraphrase of the American experience, “Declaration of the Rights of Man”. Centuries of vulgar assumption, abuse, and arrogance are observably not changed overnight, or indeed, any time soon.

My interest lies in the fact that these words, “Man is born free, yet everywhere he is in chains”, are written, and caused to be written in the book titled The Social Contract, by an intuitive fifty-year-old, unschooled, eighteenth century French philosopher, named Jean-Jacques Rousseau. Given that Rousseau self-educated himself through reading, could it be that he has received these sentiments from the English philosopher John Lock? Lock proffers the theory of a fair and balanced social contract between the state and the individual.

Lock also espouses his judgment that a government that breaks the social contract can be terminated, even by force if necessary. I must conclude that Lock garners his opinion from history. There certainly has been, and continues to be, ample evidence of arrogance of power, abuse of power, malignant greed, and even professional misconduct, from which eternally hopeful and repeatedly deceived societies have been, and continue to be, so painfully forced to rediscover. Society is repeatedly forced to rediscover that which they fail to learn from available prior knowledge, from readily available information that stares society in the face, screams enlightenment, shrieks to be heard, bangs on debilitated brains incapacitated by the arrogant supposition of overly educated know-it-alls, who surmise that so much knowledge has already been acquired that the computation of fact, intuitive deduction, and reason are only valuable if combined with inflated forms of deceptively and deliberately protracted study.

Our philosophy and our reasoning can be traced back through knowledge handed down to us from recorded history. Aristotle, one of history’s most influential philosophers, transforms the inherent thinking of Socrates, through the efforts and philosophy of Plato, into a road map of life that influences our politics, our legal system, and even our thought.

Music, as we know it, following the common ‘Gregorian chant’, can be charted in an unbroken line from the magnificent and, more importantly, creative efforts of the sixteenth century composer, Palestrina, “The Prince of Music” and his enduring Missa Papea Marcelli to the present day.

Art, as we appreciate it, has been continually and masterfully portrayed back 30,000 years to the primitive, ever imaginative and illuminating, images created on the walls of caves.

Political, professional, and bureaucratic corruption and greed, as we suffer it, highlights the destruction of every society in history. Can there be any greater menace to any society?

Knowledge, as we understand it, has been expanding throughout the course of history. It has been handed down to us through verse and song. The receptive, particularly the very young, grasp for knowledge like a drowning man will clutch for a straw. Long before we understand that we need knowledge for life’s prerequisites, we are eagerly searching for it in every nook, crook and cranny of our domain. Baring irrational impediments, our eager search endures unabated and unabashedly for the whole of our natural lives. We fervently harvest the preponderance of our desired knowledge by inquisitive investigation. We garner the necessary expertise throughout our vocation as a protégé.

All prior knowledge comes to us as hand-me-downs. Everything we think we know, and everything that we think we are, comes from others. The only time we advance beyond hand-me-downs is the moment we create or discover something that never was.

Knowledge appears and expands through continual discovery, rediscovery, and more importantly, creative genius. Our knowledge will continue to appear and expand by fortuitous discovery and/or through the efforts of the multitude of marvelous people with the innate propensity to create.

Facing the turn of the century and entering the third millennium, how are we doing? Our scientific knowledge has mushroomed! Technology has triumphed! We are on the cutting edge in medicine! Our education system is smugly espoused to be the greatest! The supposedly unassailable Bill of Rights and Constitution ostensibly protects personal rights and freedoms. With all this extraordinary success and a good measure of professional braggadocio, surely we should be forgiven if we, erroneously, conclude that man’s inherent barbarism has also been conquered.

Unfortunately, our baggage of brutality has traveled with us through all of our successes. Everything we have accomplished, everything we have developed, and everything we have learned is being put to use either as weapons or bait.

The world is becoming a society of knowledgeable savages! -Preston Haskell, Photographer

Monday, 3 May 2021

Criminal Morons in Charge

The criminal morons that have infiltrated into every level of our government should understand that it won't be the exuberant health officials that will be booted from office! 

And, if your over-exuberant law enforcement bullies kills a Citizen; a Citizen who is only standing up for the law of the land, it will be the moron in charge who pays the price!
The criminal morons in charge should pay attention to the growing number of dissatisfied Citizens marching for their freedom! Dissatisfied VOTERS maybe!

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Predicated on 'Free Speech' our articles are available for your free use!

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