Sunday, 25 October 2020

Is Honest Journalism Dead?

Canada’s newspaper publishers call for a new regulatory regime to safeguard trusted journalism, according to the Headline in the local newspaper.

That's right the very same Newspapers that accepted the government's bribe of over $600 million of hard earned taxpayer dollars are now crying the blues over what they claim is an unfair advantage over their ability to publish fake news.

Our so-called free press and journalism has diminished to little more than a propaganda machine for the regime of the day!

People are turning to internet programs to get their information and to communicate with each other. Internet information including up-to-date and real time imagery has proven to be just as reliable, if not more so, than anything offered by the stale and untimely newspaper articles.

Unions are understandably worried that their union members are facing redundancies based solely or the progression of technologies, not on competition.

News Media Canada said in their report that "Virtually all our digital media outlets now face an existential threat because of the anti-competitive practices of web giants Facebook and Google" 

What a crock of bovine waste! 

Our so-called newspapers have become mostly advertising flyers with a smattering of questionable news articles, which leaves the citizens dropping their subscription for  delivery service of environmental clutter. 

Abdication of news and information dissemination is a clear indication that news and information is no longer the purview of Newspapers! 

The dissemination of news via the social media IS a threat to newspapers but not for the reason proffered by News Media Canada but for the fact that newspapers have or are becoming archaic. 

Newspapers want to be propped up by the
Taxpayer beyond their shelf-life, their do date beyond their inevitable march into history!

Our regime subsidizes media in an attempt to control content, which is something they can't do with social media on the internet!

Social Media is the greatest threat to those who want to control the dissemination of information.


Friday, 16 October 2020

Covi Fascists

Tyrants jumping on the bandwagon to abuse citizens every which way they can.

Information before us says that the death rate from Covid-19 is .4% , while the death rate from the Flu is .6%. Without arguing the exact % it begs the question: why the perpetual lockdown over Covid-19 and no lockdown over the Flu?  

Does it make sense to have hysterics over people getting sick with Covid-19 while people sick with Flu can go to hell? 

This inexplicable 'pandemic of fear' never happened during the horrendous Polio epidemic or the highly contagious Tuberculosis crisis, which was also an airborne illness. We were not in a destructive lockdown over the killer HIV or the SARS pandemic!

What is so different this time? 

This time we not only do we suffer never ending lockdown over Coviv19 (never over Flu) but we suffer Tyrants who insist on 'Do as we say-Not as we do', outrageous fines, egregious arrests and even violent physical assault all in a headlong rush to destroy families, business and the economy.

Who is behind this holocaust?

It's totally unbelievable that we have leaders willing to send children into classrooms while these same leaders are adverse to sitting in the same room with each other. Where do these feckless leaders think our children go after school is out? They go home after wearing a face mask for the whole school day carrying whatever disease they come in contact with! And who is waiting for them at home? The children's family, vulnerable parents and grandparents in lockdown!

Hiding behind a chair in your home will only prolong the lockdown not dissimilar to the former expansion and unnecessary travesty of allergies. 

There was a time that you never complained of a tummy ache for fear you would loose your appendix just as a sore throat could cost you your tonsils, that is until the government woke up and demanded to scrutinize the removed organs. 

Why or who is spreading the fear and panic?

To be fair we do have a few valiant leaders trying to question the veracity of those involved in the promotion of lockdown. As for those involved in sowing fear, we must remember them at election time!

Thursday, 8 October 2020

A Milestone to Celebrate!

Early in the 'News Alert Niagara' effort to disseminate
the whys & wherefores lurking in the background of the most photographic region in the world we were proud of the fact that we had reached the milestone of 30,000 page view readers.
To us, it is beyond belief that during the evening of October 7, 2020 the page view readership of 'News Alert Niagara' surpassed 400,000!
We are very appreciative and extend a special thanks to our many courageous supporters. Our supporters and those being bullied by corrupt authoritarians have a place to air their story. Our mission is to expose corruption wherever we find it and to disseminate the information free of charge. 
We are proud to proclaim under each and every article, 'News Alert Niagara' provides an unedited opportunity for anyone to comment - even corrupt authoritarians. 
'News Alert Niagara' is working on a biography chronicling its history as a guide for others who may be inclined to disseminate corruption.

Wednesday, 7 October 2020

Premier Ford's Covid Epiphany

 Will Rogers purportedly said "Some learn by Reading, Others learn by observation, the rest of us have to pee on the electric fence"

Perhaps it was Premier Doug Ford's observation of his Province of Ontario facing long term devastation predicated on excessive, debilitating and destructive lockdown that caused his epiphany.

One thing is certain and that is the fact that Premier Ford is under immense pressure from the Socio-destructors arrayed against his Citizens. Certainly it takes a lot of courage to express any sentiment or concern contrary to the social elite's destructive predilections or as Ayn Rand would suggest "Check your Premises".
Perhaps those who are so happy to abuse Citizens with their weaponized Covid-19 scare tactics should ask former Premier Kathleen Wynne what happens to political leaders who fail or refuse to "Check their Premises".

Sunday, 4 October 2020

Perpetual Lockdown

There are only two ways to get us out of perpetual lockdown.

One way is to find a Safe and Suitable vaccine. 
Many are coming to the belief that without a safe and suitable vaccine our wrong headed leaders will keep us hiding behind a mask and cowering in our homes indefinitely as we stager from one continuous and unavoidable wave of Covid-19 to the next. 
Then again, what can you expect from a socialist pack of thugs; thugs who spout 'do as I say - not as I do'; whose sparkling brilliance shuts down a country with a loss of over 1 million jobs and then have the temerity to tout there expertise in spending $10 Billion to hire 60K as if infrastructure workers would be impervious to Covid-19! 
The other way is to face Covid-19 head on allowing the sickness to do its worse. Considering the relatively low mortality rate of  Covid-19 it certainly is a viable option.
With all the horrendous side effects of shutting down society and locking up the citizenry many believe the so-called cure is worse that the disease!