Thursday, 29 March 2018

More Liberal-Socialist Corruption

Under the discerning eye and approval of our Ontario Liberal-Socialist Government, the Niagara Peninsula Conservation Authority (NPCA) spends $Thousands by using their expanding propaganda department to fly in the face of reality! 

The NPCA claims that just because the OPP couldn't find actual criminal activity the NPCA is therefore absolved from any wrongdoing and that the Citizen of Niagara are wrong. Ask the people who have been abused by this evil outfit if the Citizens have it Wrong! Ask the innocent folk who have been bankrupted and destroyed in questionable and repeated court proceedings! Ask those who have been extorted.

Instead of following Judge Ramsey's directive upon losing their pitiful lawsuit against a Niagara Citizen, the NPCA Board of Directors actually allow their executive to spend taxpayer's hard earned money on misleading and squalid newspaper ads.

Conservation Authorities abuse Citizens from behind a mask of Environment Conservation.

Perhaps no other story epitomizes the tyrannical predilection of the Niagara Peninsula Conservation Authority as that of Mr. Len  Greenaway's story recently written in Niagara this week Newspaper.
The NPCA cannot claim any description other than tyrannical when it accepts donated property and then cuts off common and traditional emergency water supply simply because it has acquired that power!
The NPCA has been getting away with tyranny based on framing their tyranny as conservation!

For more background information on the tyranny of the NPCA   CLICK HERE


Monday, 26 March 2018

Mandates of Tyranny

Speculation is now over. It is proven beyond all doubt that our freedoms are being trampled on.

Our Canadian Liberal-Socialist government has fully declared their tyrannical aspirations by ordering their forces to enter innocent citizen’s homes at will even if the homeowners are absent!

Paramount is the knowledge that someone will get hurt!

Placing blame will follow!

Traditional ideas like these of our Liberal-Socialist government follow a well-worn path of having to be mandated. A mandated treachery of storming the homes of innocent Canadian Citizens places our Liberal-Socialist government on par with some of the worst tyrannical regimes the world has ever known.

This tyrannical sickness is not new. We have ‘Conservation Authorities’ now given trespass rights over private property.

We have Municipal Regimes attacking Journalists!

Putrid regimes hiding an astonishing amount of corruption!
Wrongheaded big spending Liberal-Socialists demanding obedience to their particular morays, philosophies and beliefs with penalties for not doing so. 

The fact is that this Liberal-Socialist sickness has metastasized throughout our society to the detriment of every Citizen.

Canadian Citizens deserve the ability to turf anyone they have ‘hired or elected’ by having the power of a recall mechanism.

Friday, 16 March 2018

The War on Citizens Continues

In a snit over the local newspaper articles questioning the Town's convoluted financial schemes, the Pelham Authorities have revealed their war on citizens by removing the council chamber media desk.

Because few people believed the regime's 365page explanation of a $700,000 discrepancy in a suspicious land deal, it is certainly no reason to trash the newspaper's city hall display of newspapers or refusing to correspond with the media!

Mistrust deepened when the Mayor's posse involved the accounting firm of PKMG in a simple accounting and then passing that inadequate accounting off as a definitive forensic examination of absolution.
The fact is that many of the Pelham Citizens are concerned over their Machiavellian Regime's over-spending and debtOther levels of government along with Non-Pelham Citizens are becoming alarmed by the Pelham Regime's financial shenanigan. The voice of Pelham has been chronicling the issue as best they can on behalf of those same Pelham Citizens. 

If the Regime can't square with the media then the Regime's conduct becomes suspect and without squaring with the media, the Regime's authorities should realize that they are going to war against their own Citizens and more importantly, voters, voters who depend on an independent source of information.

Canadian Government Steals Rights

    The enemy of the Citizens of Canada are the very tyrants that we elect and hire to govern on our behalf! 
    Case in point is the tyrannical theft of property rights by the denial of 'Land Patent Grants'! 
    The theft of the Land Patent Grant denotes a government no different than any other tyrannical dictatorships throughout history. 

Socialism: Ideas so good they have to be mandated! 

    The Liberal-Socialist government has terminated the rights of private property owners the sanctity of their property. They have revealed their continuing war on Canadian Citizens by allowing municipal and government agencies the right to trespass on private property without permission or notice.
    The conduct of the unaccountable Niagara Peninsula Conservation Authority (NPCA) proves the point.

    St. Catharines Mayor Walter Sendzic, through his Regional Councilor and NPCA Board member Bruce Timms took no time resurrecting a 2.5 yr (30 month old) minor flooding situation to allow the NPCA to take control of private property. 

Queen Elizabeth Letters Patent

For all you doubting Thomases out there who thought land grant patents where nothing but bits of paper, get a load of this. It is the preamble to the constitution brought back from Britain by Pierre Trudeau in 1982. It contains proof positive that letters patent is the highest form of legislation in the land and without them, there would have been no constitution. The Queen issued a letters patent to make this possible. She would not have had to do that if they were worthless pieces of paper.

of April 17, 1982,
proclaiming in force the


Attorney General of Canada

ELIZABETH THE SECOND, by the Grace of God of the United Kingdom, Canada and Her other Realms and Territories QUEEN, Head of the Commonwealth, Defender of the Faith.

To All to Whom these Presents shall come or whom the same may in anyway concern,

A Proclamation

Whereas in the past certain amendments to the Constitution of Canada have been made by the Parliament of the United Kingdom at the request and with the consent of Canada;

And Whereas it is in accord with the status of Canada as an independent state that
Canadians be able to amend their Constitution in Canada in all respects;

And Whereas it is desirable to provide in the Constitution of Canada for the recognition of certain fundamental rights and freedoms and to make other amendments to the

And Whereas the Parliament of the United Kingdom has, at the request and with the consent of Canada, enacted the Canada Act, which provides for the patriation and amendment of the Constitution of Canada;

And Whereas section 58 of the Constitution Act, 1982, set out in Schedule B to the Canada Act, provides that the Constitution Act, 1982 shall, subject to section
59 thereof, come into force on a day to be fixed by proclamation issued under the Great Seal of Canada.

Now Know You that We, by and with the advice of Our Privy Council for Canada, do by this Our Proclamation, declare that the Constitution Act, 1982 shall, subject to section
59 thereof, come into force on the seventeenth day of April in the Year of Our Lord One Thousand Nine Hundred and Eighty-two.

Of All Which Our Loving Subjects and all others whom these Presents may concern are hereby required to take notice and to govern themselves accordingly.

In Testimony Whereof We have caused these Our Letters to be made Patent and the Great Seal of Canada to be hereunto affixed.

At Our City of Ottawa, this seventeenth day of April in the Year of Our Lord One Thousand Nine Hundred and Eighty-two and in the Thirty-First Year of Our Reign.

By Her Majesty's Command
Registrar General of Canada
Prime Minister of Canada


Monday, 12 March 2018

War on Citizens

Well folks let’s face it the brainiacs in charge of the Niagara Regional Government just had another expensive brain fart!
Yes, that’s right! Please click the blue links for background.
In an extraordinary effort by our Machiavellian Niagara authorities to protect themselves from their vulgar, abusive and violent Citizens of Niagara they are supplementing their crime-spree-spending by hiring professional security officers and adding several expensive cc cameras. 

Let's hope that these new measures are not intended to aggressively abuse the rights and freedoms of Citizens. So far aggressive abuse of citizens has cost Niagara Taxpayers plenty.
The question has got to be who protects the Niagara citizens and Media from 'Aggressive Abuse' by our Niagara Authorities? Forcing several dozen Citizens to vacate to an area lacking seating for over an hour to accommodate their 'mid session In-Camera' is product of arrogance. Denying the right of a Citizen to present to an expensive agenda item is also an 'Aggressive Abuse' of the Citizen. Denying the public from knowing where missing $Millions of hard earned tax-dollars have gone is beyond 'Aggressive Abuse' and is totally unacceptable. Niagara Authorities perjuring themselves against innocent Citizens is an criminal aggression and clearly indicates a tyrannical attitude. 
Fortunately, we just happen to have convenient video evidence precisely archiving each and every Regional Council meeting dating back over several years for all to witness the 'barbarity' being heaped on our failing Niagara authorities. Not
You will not find one shred of video evidence that would lead to the need for this added expenditure for security officers or additional expensive cc cameras!
Speculation has it that this war on Citizens has migrated from the corrupt culture of the unaccountable Niagara Peninsula Conservation Authority (NPCA), where 'conservation of our environment' is levered to financially abuse property owners through our court system.
What you will witness is spurious conduct including disgusting animus, party politics of personal destruction and the lack of transparency of a bloated regime.
Since this learned behavior of corruption has become so pervasive it is now being suggested that the tax department start treating Civil Authorities and Politicians the same way they audit business. 

Find out where and how they have acquired their wealth!