Sunday, 29 October 2017

A Study in Corruption (UPDATE)

This report is the culmination of years of observation and through the effort of many organizations and a small army of dedicated Citizens in the face of absolute secrecy.

Report on the Niagara Peninsula Corruption Authority

Following Mr. Ed Smith’s pointed presentation at the (45:00 Minute Mark) to the NPCA Board of Directors meeting September 20, 2017 the board members sat in sullen silence without so much as asking Smith a single question.

As an example Smith picked his ‘smallest case’ concerning the overcharge of ($800.00) for a so-called ‘Freedom of Information’ (FOI) request.

Expanding on Mr. Smith’s example we offer some of the outrageous behavior foisted on innocent Niagara Citizens at the hands of the Niagara Peninsula Corruption Authority all with the approval of the NPCA Board of Directors.

'News Alert Niagara' points out the true character of the Niagara Peninsula Corruption Authority! (NPCA)

Starting with some of the Niagara Land Owner Association (NLA) many disturbing stories Synopsis of NPCA Tyranny’.

1. The above members of the NPCA Board of Directors has authorized some of the most unbelievable attacks of private property and home owners including ‘A Travesty of Justice’, ‘Smoking Gun’ and many more.

2. Most egregious is the NPCA’s corrupt practice of charging private property owners and even ‘judge shopping’ over so-called environmental transgressions, while ignoring the same transgressions perpetrated by developers and friends. Thundering waters being the most significant example! 

3. The same NPCA Board Members allowed their staff to promote their ‘Bovine Waste’ of ‘Bio-diversity off-setting’ scheme in a specious effort to destroy The ‘Thundering Waters’ Provincially Significant Wetlands slough forest in favor of development.

4. Under the direction of the NPCA board of DIRECTORS we have ‘wetland designation’ placed on valuable properties for insiders to pick up cheap! 

5. Under the direction of the NPCA board of DIRECTORS the NPCA claims authority over all home owners yet has no home owner representation on the Citizen Liaison Advisory  committee! 

6. Under the direction of the NPCA board of DIRECTORS we have lost an astonishing amount of our natural environment!

Under the direction of the NPCA board of DIRECTORS the NPCA has extortionists on payroll!

7. Under the direction of the NPCA board of DIRECTORS, NPCA employees trespass without notice!
 8. Under the direction of the NPCA board of DIRECTORS staff demands a $1400/$1800 work permit to have expensive professional soil testing (geotechnical assessment) at a further cost of many $thousands only to have the professional soil test refused!

9. Under the direction of the NPCA board of DIRECTORS the required Citizens Liaison Advisory Committee (CLAC) is avoided like the plague because the CLAC Members object to some of the boards directives and because the CLAC members refuse to sign a ‘code of secrecy’ clause as directed by Bruce Timms.

10. Under the direction of the NPCA board of DIRECTORS the NPCA started holding their monthly board meetings in locations other than their own venue in an attempt to avoid public scrutiny.      They even gave false directions to venues in remote locations such as the Port Colborne & District Conservation Gun Club!

11. Under the direction of the NPCA board of DIRECTORS the NPCA CAO, physically assaulted a photo journalist and used police to enforce trespass for taking a picture at their public board meeting!

12. Under the direction of the NPCA board of DIRECTORS the NPCA 2018 budget slashes 29% of workforce watershed and corporate services salaries by $863,889.00.

13. Under the direction of the NPCA board of DIRECTORS there is a $half-million dollar increase in salaries proposed for the CAO/Administration department!

14. Under the direction of the NPCA board of DIRECTORS the NPCA conduct is the reason they are now battling a worker protective union!

15. Under the direction of the NPCA board of DIRECTORS the NPCA changed their regular 6:30 pm meeting times to 9:30 am to further eliminate Working Citizens from scrutinizing their activities!

16. Under the direction of the NPCA board of DIRECTORS the NPCA reduces the Speaker Volume for the public gallery necessitating continued calls to ‘turn up the gallery speakers’!

17. Under the direction of the NPCA board of DIRECTORS we witnessed a near meltdown at the sight of an audio recorder!

18. Under the direction of the NPCA board of DIRECTORS we have captured a recorded NPCA admission of Land Confiscation without Compensation!

19. Under the direction of the NPCA board of DIRECTORS a call from citizens and several MPPs for a forensic audit have been stalled for years!

20. Under the direction of the NPCA board of DIRECTORS we citizens find ourselves under the authority of people who, like their ilk in Pelham, believe they are omnipotent! Now they face the wrath of Citizens and Ontario Members of Parliament Bradley and Forster who are fed up with NPCA Corruption!

21. Under the direction of the NPCA board of DIRECTORS the NPCA arrogantly called concerned Citizens a 'Special interest group' and "Fringe group of complaining people!

22. Under the direction of the NPCA board of DIRECTORS the NPCA totally destroyed Mark Barnfield over trumped-up charges even though Barnfield already had permits for non-permanent paint ball facilities, while the cunning NPCA board built a commercial banquet hall in competition with private enterprise. 
Worse they built this competitive commercial banquet hall on a UNESCO World Biosphere Park-Balls Falls!

23. Under the direction of the NPCA board of DIRECTORS the NPCA want us to believe that their sins of the past are in their past and that they have changed! However they still have innocent Citizens trapped in our judiciary and they have yet to make amends for past conduct.

24. Under the direction of the NPCA board of DIRECTORS 'News Alert Niagara' has been accused of having a number of untrue statements in this article 'A Study in Corruption'!

25. Under the direction of the NPCA board of DIRECTORS the NPCA refuses to address the alleged 'untrue statements' even when asked several times to do so!

Under the direction of the NPCA the board of DIRECTORS can possibly be excused for their silence given that their inappropriate  oath and their non-disclosure contact to this dodgy secret society is overly onerous as can be witnessed at the 5:00 Minute Mark of their swearing in ceremony. Please note the absence of mention regarding conservation of our environment or to the society that pays their freight. 

Under the direction of the alleged 'Special interest group' and "Fringe group of complaining people", the NPCA board of DIRECTORS are all welcome to leave along with the Politicos they rode in on!
Never in the history of Canada have so many been deceived by so few!

Objections and/or Corrections can always be made in the 'Comments Section' below

1 comment:

Our present system breeds corruption. We need to be able to hold all politicians accountable for their actions, by way of suing them personally, of their own money. It would not stop all corruption, but at least it would drop the level of corruption we are witnessing in today's society. The democracy we have right now has no deterrent built into the system to stop corruption. If we sue a politician, it costs us tens of thousands of dollars to hire a lawyer. It costs the politician nothing, he gets to use our tax dollars to pay for his lawyer. If we win, the monies we receive comes from the taxpayers too. If we lose, we must pay the politicians legal fees too. No wonder few people sue these days, it's unaffordable for most people and the risk is too high. Our inaction gives our politicians a sense of increased power and entitlement to continue with 'their ways'. I believe this is why corruption has reached an all time high. Your thoughts?

Thursday, 26 October 2017

Three cheers for MPP Cindy Forster !!!

Bonnie Lysyk (Postmedia File Photo)

Only Cindy Forster MPP went to bat for the Citizen of Niagara. 

Her tenacious efforts have swayed the Ontario Government into ordering a financial audit on the Niagara Peninsula Conservation Authority. 

 Forster's motion passed unopposed. She said the Liberal and NDP MPPs voted for the motion while the Progressive Conservative members abstained.

Forster said Wednesday she isn't finished with the NPCA. On Monday, she will appear before the provincial committee considering changes to Ontario's Conservation Authorities Act. She intends to propose two amendments to the legislation: one that would give the government the authority to appoint a supervisor to oversee a conservation authority, and one that would prohibit members of municipal councils from being employees of an authority.

The political members on the board of the NPCA sit in abject silence as to the Niagara Citizen's concerns regarding NPCA conduct, even though they have all received the reports emanating from 'News Alert Niagara' culminating in an report on the political value of the NPCA board of Directors.

On election day please let the NPCA Board member know that remaining silent 
when their agency is hurting Citizens is NOT Virtue. It's Corruption!

Many of the same points made in the public accounts committee minutes actually mirror the comments of those that so many people and groups of people have work tirelessly over several years including hours, days, weeks and even months witnessing court trials against innocent Citizens, all an effort to protect themselves from this rogue agency. A prime example is the disgusting story illustrating the squalid details of 'The smoking Gun'.

Although elated at the news that something might finally happen the reign in the conduct of the NPCA, concern is growing over the words financial audit as stated in the Ontario government minutes of the public accounts committee!

Auditing the NPCA's financials as in a 'value for money' audit will not be accepted on its own.

Citizens of Niagara want a full forensic investigation into the conduct of the NPCA. 

Saturday, 21 October 2017

Capitals of Corruption

There is a war going on and it is a war on Canadian Citizens…

At this time the tyrants in power happen to be Liberal Socialists whose idea of governance is to elevate the ruling class at the expense of the ‘Common Canadian Citizen’.

The news and information clearly indicates that corruption and rot permeates all levels of Canadian governance from top to bottom!

Any attempt of the Citizen to raise their voice against abuse of power is met with sarcastic and demoralizing name calling and specious comments.

From the highest level of government we witness our very rich finance minister looking after himself while his government is pointing to small business citizens as tax-evaders.
 To the lowly and corrupt conservation authorities arrogantly referring to concerned Citizens a 'Special interest group' and "Fringe group of complaining people"!
 In between we have a wholly corrupt provincial den of liars and thieves!

Our police can no longer be relied upon for the truth! 

Our courts are coming under increased scrutiny! 

...and then we are denied recall legislation!!!


Monday, 16 October 2017

Political Disappointment

How political hacks spin the truth. Its very disappointing to have your local MP post a spin that leaves out the fact that the government only backed off because of Citizen backlash.
This political version of truth clearly indicates that this hack is not worthy of hire !

Saturday, 14 October 2017

Demostrate in support...

of the City of St. Catharines efforts to get the Ontario Government to clean up the NPCA!!! 

Monday, October 16, 2017 at 5:30 pm Sharp


Good Enough for the Pelhan Citizens

“The motion is too restrictive, and it is incomplete. I’d compare this motion to an offer to give me a new truck. What at first seems like a great deal becomes less so, when I get a look up close. The truck has no engine, brakes, or wheel. It’s just a new body.” Town of Pelham Councilor Marvin Junkin

Mayor Augustyn and gang still trying to control the demanded forensic audit to suit themselves.

Thankfully Councilor Marvin Junkin bolted from the pack to raise his voice against the efforts of Mayor Augustyn. 

The report ' Says it all!

If Mayor Augustine and gang can't explain an unexplained $700K expense, then perhaps the good folks of Pelham will remember Councilor Junkin at election time as 'worthy of office' and throw the rest of the bums out!

Thursday, 12 October 2017

Public Notice NLA

The Niagara Landowners Association is pleased to announce our 'Changing of the Guard'!

Mr. Ray Desmarais  has been acclaimed by the membership as the new NLA President.

Outgoing President Dave Honey presented the gavel to incoming President Ray Desmarais after many years of valuable service to an organization fighting for property rights against uncontrolled government transgressions.

The NLA membership is confident that their new President Ray Desmarais can fill the big shoes of Past President Dave Honey.

Tuesday, 10 October 2017

Get involved or lose it!

Date line: Niagara Regional Government Council Meeting.

Following the ‘standing room only’  council meeting you look in the local ‘newspaper’ to get their take on the important decisions affecting the Citizens of Niagara.

Do you get the paper’s take on council’s attempt to use development charges to gain pennies of financial advantage at the expense of Niagara’s advancement?

Do you find out the St. Catharines Mayor stops an attempt to have a regional scheme to add another level of redundant bureaucracy complete with more employees?

Do you read about the Town of Pelham Citizens  pleading for help regarding a fully independent forensic audit of  Pelham’s excessive debt load but free from any involvement of the Pelham Mayor and Council? 

How about the good news that our new police chief  is getting our police officers out of their police cars and walking the beat!

All you get is a continuing vendetta by a highly acclaimed veteran reporter!
But Hey! You Are lucky! You don't even have to attend the Niagara Regional Council Meetings!
You can curl up in your favorite chair and watch all the council proceedings on Television!
Image result for Time to Get involved images

Stories you may have missed


Monday, 9 October 2017

Tuesday, 3 October 2017

Who did it?

Regional Chair Alan CaslinFinely a Niagara Regional Chair has stepped up to the plate and moved to expose those who have been financially abusing the taxpaying Citizen both past and present.

Decade after decade our Niagara Regional Government has allowed their Country Club members to treat taxpayer's hard-earned dollars as a secret source of clandestine funding. 

Not one of the former Chairs considered taking a stand against Taxpayer abuse!

No it is Regional Chair Caslin that has lowered the boom on wild west conduct and some don't like it!

What some are concerned about is getting exposed by Caslin's retroactive examination of past expenses.

Chair Caslin's efforts may be only one small step but it's a first step.