Monday, 28 August 2017

Lies by Ommission

The Town of Pelham's Mayor Dave Augustyn brags about the 'small town feel' of Pelham Ontario but he avoids mentioning the big time 'Liberal-Style' debt and escalating taxes' he and his team have been and still is piling on to the backs of 6000 property owners. $Millions on the back of every man, Woman and child of Pelham!

The Town of Pelham's Municipal Authority bans their citizens from audio recording during their public council meetings. That way if things become embarrassing, they can edit or delete their audio and video recording as they have done in the past.

So let's take Clerk Nancy Bozzato's suggest and take a look at the July 24, 2017 Video where Acting Mayor Peter Papp demanded that ANYONE audio recording the council meeting to cease and desist immediately! 

Where Councilor Richard Rybiak told Regional Councilor Brian Baty (Inventor of Darkness) that his calling for a forensic audit made the municipality appear crooked never considering the prospect that the outrageous increase in real estate flipping of over 700% was the actual reason for his municipality to appear crooked. 

It's difficult to make sense of Councilor John Durley's passionate rant except to object to his pointing to their 335 page obfuscation as an explanation of a $700% possible criminal activity.

Then here is Councilor Gary Accursi arrogantly lamenting the fact that the Regional Government would even consider allowing mere citizens to present their concerns regarding the unexplained  $700% mark up of property prices costing taxpayers unnecessary expense. 

Above all we have Councilor Catharine King saying that anyone who objects to how Pelham is governed should pay attention to the accolades handed down from the Ontario Liberal government; perhaps not realizing that the Ontario Liberals are running the largest sub-national debt in the civilized world!

That brings us to the conduct of Pelham Mayor David Augustyn during his special meeting of April 25, 2016 regarding the $36 Million Community Center.

There are two versions of the video depicting the Pelham Council Meeting.

There is an unedited version clearly illustrating what went on in the council chamber and an edited version that was provided to the Integrity Commissioner.

By the Mayor providing only the edited version of the video he denied the integrity Commissioner the complete picture of the situation. How does that square with the lofty goals of ‘Respect, Truth, Honesty and Integrity.’*

Following is a minute by minute guide of the video lead-up to the start of Pelham Council:

April 25, 2016

Special Pelham Meeting Re; over-budget Community Center

Minute Mark of unedited full version of video:

4:30     Mayor Augustyn Enters Council chamber

4:53     Clerk intercepts Mayor in Corner for chat

4:57     Petrowski appears heading for his designated seat

5:12     Petrowski sitting in his pre-arranged presenter seat

6:15     Clerk approaching Petrowski

7:18     Clerk tells Petrowski to give Curt Harley’s presentation in point form only

7:46     Mayor intercepts clerk in corner for further chat

8:59     Photographer enters asks and gets location of Petrowski

9:25     Photographer takes pictures of Petrowski then exits the scene

11:05    Police officer enters

12:01    Clerk holds Agenda for Mayor to write changes to agenda

12:55  Mayor passes agenda change to Councilor Durley via the Clerk

13:28  Councilor Durley asks Mayor for clarifications

After Gavel:

18:05 Mayor has Durley announce agenda change

19:34 Petrowski Leaves in Disgust calling Mayor’s action Disgusting

Watch Mayor Dave Augustyn reacting to Councillor Peter Papp`s suggested amendment to this project. 2:26:25 minute mark, and then lose his temper at 2:28:35 when a taxpayer speaks out.

The Mayor even improperly removed his outburst from his edited version of the Video

How does editing square with ‘Truth, the whole truth and nothing but the truth?’*

Pelham's Citizens are still looking for simple answers to the Mayor Augustyn's outrageously suspicious land deals

Lies, Lies and Damned Lies Wrapped in Corruption

Every once in a long while there comes a person who will not tolerate tyrannical abuse from municipal authorities; authorities lying and cheating citizens and then using our police officers and all-to-willing justices to uphold their specious conduct.

Individuals like Mr. Fred Bracken are willing to put themselves through hell to fight back against unjust officials who arrogantly place themselves above the laws of the land and above the constitutional rights of citizens.

Mr. Bracken has spent years of his life and fortune in his struggle. The authorities that abuse their citizens have cost the taxpayers $Hundreds of thousands to uphold their specious authority, through our courts, to tyrannically dictate their unconstitutional commands and demands over their constituents.  

The Niagara Regional Government spent $hundreds of thousands trying to defend what court call inconsistencies in their evidence. Us mere citizens call the inconsistencies in their sworn depositions nothing but lies and worse; lying in court is called perjury.

And who lied and perjured themselves? None other than the CAO of Niagara Harry Schlange and  Regional Councilor Zimmerman!
 So that's the end of it RIGHT?
This contemptible conduct used against Mr. Fred Bracken has actually become the norm!

Our Court of Appeal pointed to the fact that Superior Court Justice Theresa Maddalena had made several legal errors in her constitutional analysis, and factual mistakes about Mr. Bracken's behavior thus depriving Bracken his constitutional rights.

It must be pointed out that we have several justices who blatantly favor their pay-master over the citizen. 

By simply asking a pertinent question you can elicit a warning for you to be trespassed and its common for you to be threatened with police action as in many recent cases including the Niagara Regional Health Authorities!

It has become apparent that the electorate has no control over the overabundance and overlapping, autonomous and tyrannical agencies and commissions. 
Therefore the Citizens only hope of getting a grip on the questionable and unaccountable entities is to pay attention to their political masters.


Sunday, 20 August 2017

Wind and Rain and Dark of Night

Who are these people to stand in the way of prosperity?

What makes them place their own well-being ahead of those in the money business?

Don’t we have municipal authorities taking care of nature, especially Provincially Significant Wetlands?

Where is the Niagara Peninsula Conservation Authority? The NPCA chews up $tens of millions annually to protect PSW’s! 

Oh yes, the whole damned mess of our upstanding authorities are conspiring to destroy the last PSW in Niagara and why; because of money and greed! 

The former CAO (Now CAO of the Niagara Region) of the NPCA and his Chair of the NPCA board Regional Councilor, Bruce Timms, even concocted an extraordinary scenario that the huge ‘Thundering Waters’ PSW could be transplanted to another area. All with tacit approval of the NPCA Board and Niagara's Political Authorities.

Niagara Mayor Diodati spun a grand fiction that it was his junket to China that produced the $1.5Billion project. This grand fiction was brought to light by Niagara City Councilor, Carolynn Ioannoni who was immediately censored (Based solely on a friendly lawyer's conjecture) by her so-called stalwart compatriots. 

It gets worse! These sterling public servants have hit one of the leaders of the PSW protectors, Mr. Smith, with a non-legitimate lawsuit in a vain attempt to shut him up. Our valiant Authorities would actually use our courts against those who would dare to do half the transgressions against our environment as that perpetrated by those we have mistakenly elected and/or hired.

But the question still stands; who are these self-declared champions of nature who willingly spend their days and nights in a slough forest in the wind and rain simply to bring public notice to the plight of the last Provincially Significant Wetland in Niagara?

Perhaps the better question is; why would we ever vote for authorities of this questionable character? 

Concerned citizens fight on the side of our dwindling nature

This plea to save the last provincially significant wetlands in Niagara circulated  by one of the young people who has been camping out in the Thundering Waters Forest in Niagara Falls all this past week in an effort to draw more public attention to controversial plans to bury parts of it under residential and commercial development.
The fact that this development proposal is still on the books after more than a year of heated debate  has less to do with the China-backed developers that purchased the land from Canadians interests for a sizable sum of money, and more to do with the lack of imagination and vision on the part of too many of this region’s municipal leaders when it comes to good planning, and to the lack of care they show for what is left of the natural heritage all of us who live here were blessed with.
At the end of the day, though, the responsibility for this lies not so much in them as it does in all of us of voting age who live and do business here.
We get the government we deserve, which is why it is so important for every one of us to get more engaged in municipal politics and give maximum thought to who we elect to serve on our local and regional councils in next year’s municipal elections.
Now here is the message from one of the Thundering Waters Forest campers, Niagara citizen Owen Bjorgan -

Day 6. A walkabout in the Provincially Significant Wetlands, which cover approximately 235 acres of this 484 acres.

Insanity that a price tag of 1.5 billion could be slapped onto this fragile and ancient ecosystem. Tomorrow is our last day.

"Species come and go, but the Earth stands forever fast...What privilege do we have under the sun, That gives us the right to the throne?"

In Flames, "Embody the Invisble"

The campers will be there this Sunday, August 20th until 5 p.m.
Here are some directions on how to get to the Thundering Waters Forest site –
From the Queen Elizabeth Highway take the McLeod St exit (exit 27), go east on McLeod.  In approximately 550 metres turn right on Dorchester Blvd.   Follow Dorchester until it appears to end (Y in the road) and turn to the right, you will still be on Dorchester Road, continue on Dorchester across the railway tracks, about 75 metres after crossing the tracks you will see a trail going into the woods. It will be marked. 
Visit Owen Bjorgan’s Facebook page where you can learn more about the Thundering Waters Forest and related topics by clicking on -

The only way change happens is when people become more significantly involved in the political process. -Bernie Sanders

Saturday, 19 August 2017

Another squalid example of gross over-abundance of government

Back in 1899 when the Association Municipalities Ontario (AMO) was formed it undoubtedly was a good idea to form an association to assist in municipal government.

In 1899 communication demanded that municipal delegates attend conferences to keep abreast of changes.

But that was before modern methods of communications.

It’s no longer necessary to spend $millions to send 1500 municipal employees on junkets to acquire information that is already available! The hapless citizens of a small Ontario town of 6500 taxpayers left to foot a several $Thousand bill to send four education seekers hardly able to justify their expense.

Then there is Mayor Diodottie's astonishing personal education regarding a simple 'Airbnb Booth'

It has been reported that there are municipal delegates using taxpayer funds for romantic trysts and only showing up for the finality banquet!

One of the astonishing conspiracies is how to get away with gouging the taxpayer with the least amount of resistance.

Now we get to listen to Niagara Regional Councilor Paul Grenier propose a 1% sales tax increase no doubt to help pay the unnecessary cost of the OMA.

We don't have a funding problem we have a spending problem !