As promised,
News Alert Niagara (NAL) attended the July 24, 2017 Pelham Council Meeting.
NAL attended the council meeting to get what Councilor Rybiak categorized as the Pelham’s action plan regarding charges that the municipality may have acted improperly in its land deals.
NAL attended the council meeting to get what Councilor Rybiak categorized as the Pelham’s action plan regarding charges that the municipality may have acted improperly in its land deals.
Although the
action plan was never mentioned a version of action did present itself during
Pelham Regional Councilor Baty’s report.
Just as the councilors, each in turn, began their verbal assault on Baty’s performance at Region, Chair Papp, filling in for Mayor Augustyn, stopped the proceedings at the 50Minute mark to ask if anyone was recording the meeting. The fact that the chair had to ask is evidence that audio recording was not disruptive and did not violate the Town of Pelham's code Number 34 (i).
The order to cease and desist audio recording during a public council meeting is sufficient notice that the Pelham Council does indeed have something to hide!
Since audio recording is completely unnoticeable and is in no way disruptive to any proceedings, prohibiting it certainly does raise alarm bells.
The councilors proceeded with their verbal assault on their own regional rep Regional Councilor Baty including placing the blame of civil anxiety on almost everyone but themselves.
They blamed their regional representative, Baty.
They blamed the Regional Government.
They blamed Regional Chair Caslin.
They blamed the whistle blowers and the fact that the whistle blowers where allowed to present at Region.
They blasted the editor of the local newspaper, 'The Voice'.
Above all they arrogantly dismiss anyone who doesn't understand their machinations displaying their inexplicable contempt for their constituents!
Again we heard the repeated specter of their 335 page report, which appears to be mostly a 'Rubik's Cube' of obfuscation to the land deal in question.
When asked directly about the quick flipping of property costing the Taxpayers of Pelham $Millions, the councilors vehemently repeat legalese and provincial government regulations.
Contrary to council's belief, Citizens are entitled to an in-depth plausible explanation regarding the suspicious land dealings between the Pelham Regime and the Toronto based ‘Allen Group’.
Just as the councilors, each in turn, began their verbal assault on Baty’s performance at Region, Chair Papp, filling in for Mayor Augustyn, stopped the proceedings at the 50Minute mark to ask if anyone was recording the meeting. The fact that the chair had to ask is evidence that audio recording was not disruptive and did not violate the Town of Pelham's code Number 34 (i).
The order to cease and desist audio recording during a public council meeting is sufficient notice that the Pelham Council does indeed have something to hide!
Since audio recording is completely unnoticeable and is in no way disruptive to any proceedings, prohibiting it certainly does raise alarm bells.
The councilors proceeded with their verbal assault on their own regional rep Regional Councilor Baty including placing the blame of civil anxiety on almost everyone but themselves.
They blamed their regional representative, Baty.
They blamed the Regional Government.
They blamed Regional Chair Caslin.
They blamed the whistle blowers and the fact that the whistle blowers where allowed to present at Region.
They blasted the editor of the local newspaper, 'The Voice'.
Above all they arrogantly dismiss anyone who doesn't understand their machinations displaying their inexplicable contempt for their constituents!
Again we heard the repeated specter of their 335 page report, which appears to be mostly a 'Rubik's Cube' of obfuscation to the land deal in question.
When asked directly about the quick flipping of property costing the Taxpayers of Pelham $Millions, the councilors vehemently repeat legalese and provincial government regulations.
Contrary to council's belief, Citizens are entitled to an in-depth plausible explanation regarding the suspicious land dealings between the Pelham Regime and the Toronto based ‘Allen Group’.