Sunday, 23 April 2017


Unanimous vote to change direction 
NPCA still hoping to control Audit
Citizens will settle for nothing less than a full Forensic Audit

Bill Hodgson is the lone member of the NPCA Board who listened to the demands of the Municipalities, MPPs and the People for an "independent forensic audit of the NPCA.  

Yesterday, the bullies took public retribution against Bill.  Oh they were predictably sly about it, they "implied" the process had been "corrupted" - no doubt a veiled allusion to the truth about how the original motion had been corrupted revealed by Bill at the last meeting of the Board when the acting CAO shed crocodile tears about his integrity being impugned.  

The fact that said CAO et al had been complicit in degrading Bill's original motion was not recognized. In typical "bully" fashion the Chair, Annunziata, pilloried Bill at the January 18 meeting and belittled him before shutting him down when he dared to question the rewording and the appearance of lack of "arms length" in the RFP process.  

Yesterday Bill looked very tired - understandable when one considers how he has been humiliated and accused in the public arena and ... we can only imagine the pressure which may have been exerted in private.                                   Thank you Linda

They are bullies.  

It's ironic that there are so many "Anti-bullying" campaigns all over the world and those who are elected by the people bully a fellow member who only seeks transparency and accountability from the Board on which he sits.
Quote of the Century: 
The Niagara Peninsula Conservation Authority is undertaking an operational review and performance assessment.

Thursday, 13 April 2017

Your Spring issue is Ready

 Your Spring Issue is Ready

Click HERE to get your complimentary Spring Issue of The Mirror online!

Citizens First

Why do we disparage the President of the United States over his attempt to put his people first?

Wouldn’t it be nice if we could have Canadian leadership in our country that would put our people first? 

Instead we are saddled with a vicious pact of Patricians that use our citizens as ‘Tax Fodder’, while enriching their friends and fellow Patricians.

Worse is the terrifying prospect that there is not a single leader on our horizon to give hope of a ‘Canada First/Citizen First’ attitude!

The political leaders we do have, have learned how to subvert our democracy into a travesty of tyrannical perversion. 

They have learned that they can lie and deceive to get elected knowing that by denying a recall they are free to do as they please for at least four (4) years.

Its no longer a matter of Left or Right!

It is a matter of Right or Wrong!

Monday, 10 April 2017

The Environmentalist Bunko Squad

Now that people have started to examine the crime and corruption of our so-called Conservation Authority's (CA) astonishing irregularities have come to light.

News Alert Niagara has been bringing forward some disturbing irregularities and unbelievable corruption of our Niagara Peninsula Conservation Authority (NPCA).

Now we have become aware of the fact that the only reason to stack the NPCA board with political appointees is to protect the NPCA from scrutiny.

According to the ‘Conservation Authorities Act’ part (3.1) At least half of the members of an authority shall have significant training, experience or employment history in an environmental or natural resource field.
The Act goes on in clear detail regarding CA regulations that are currently being violated. 
The only question is-
Who in the hell saddled our society with a government entity that answers to no one?

Conservation Authorities Amendment Act, 2016
Bill 86                                                          2016

An Act to amend the Conservation Authorities Act
Her Majesty, by and with the advice and consent of the Legislative Assembly of the Province of Ontario, enacts as follows:
  1.  Section 14 of the Conservation Authorities Act is amended by adding the following subsections:
  (3.1)  At least half of the members of an authority shall have significant training, experience or employment history in an environmental or natural resource field.
.     .     .     .     .
Termination of existing appointments
  (4.1)  Despite subsection (1), within six months after the appointment requirement in subsection (3.1) comes into force, the respective councils of the participating municipalities shall terminate all existing appointments and make new appointments in accordance with this section.
Eligibility for reappointment
  (4.2)  A member whose appointment is terminated in accordance with subsection (4.1) is eligible for reappointment to fill the vacancy created by the termination if they meet the qualifications in this section.
Deemed to be continuously appointed
  (4.3)  For the purpose of the term limit in subsection (4), a member whose appointment is terminated in accordance with subsection (4.1) and who is reappointed to fill the vacancy created by the termination is deemed to have been continuously appointed from the time the terminated appointment began, minus the time between the termination and reappointment.

  2.  This Act comes into force six months after the day it receives Royal Assent.
Short title
  3.  The short title of this Act is the Conservation Authorities Amendment Act, 2016.
The Bill amends the Conservation Authorities Act to require that at least half the members of a conservation authority have significant training, experience or employment history in an environmental or natural resource field. The Bill also requires that all existing appointments be terminated and allows those members whose appointments are terminated in this manner to be reappointed if they meet the new qualifications.
Conservation Authorities Act
Members of authority
14. (1) Members of an authority shall be appointed by the respective councils of the participating municipalities in the numbers prescribed by subsection 2 (2)[1] for the appointment of representatives, and each member shall hold office until the first meeting of the authority after the term for which he or she was appointed has expired. R.S.O. 1990, c. C.27, s. 14 (1).
Changes in number of members
(2) The total number of members of the authority and the number of members that each participating municipality may appoint shall be adjusted as required to ensure compliance with subsection (1) if the municipalities that are participating municipalities change or the population of a participating municipality changes. 2001, c. 9, Sched. K, s. 1 (6).
Agreement on number of members
(2.1) Despite subsections (1), (2) and (5), the total number of members of the authority and the number of members that each participating municipality may appoint may be determined by an agreement that is confirmed by resolutions passed by the councils of all of the participating municipalities. 2001, c. 9, Sched. K, s. 1 (6).
(3) Every member of an authority shall be resident in a participating municipality in which the authority has jurisdiction. R.S.O. 1990, c. C.27, s. 14 (3).

2016-2017 AMENDMENT
  (3.1)  At least half of the members of an authority shall have significant training, experience or employment history in an environmental or natural resource field.
(4) No member of an authority shall be appointed to hold office for more than three years at any one time. R.S.O. 1990, c. C.27, s. 14 (4).

2016-2017 AMENDMENT
Termination of existing appointments
  (4.1)  Despite subsection (1), within six months after the appointment requirement in subsection (3.1) comes into force, the respective councils of the participating municipalities shall terminate all existing appointments and make new appointments in accordance with this section.
Eligibility for reappointment
  (4.2)  A member whose appointment is terminated in accordance with subsection (4.1) is eligible for reappointment to fill the vacancy created by the termination if they meet the qualifications in this section.
Deemed to be continuously appointed
  (4.3)  For the purpose of the term limit in subsection (4), a member whose appointment is terminated in accordance with subsection (4.1) and who is reappointed to fill the vacancy created by the termination is deemed to have been continuously appointed from the time the terminated appointment began, minus the time between the termination and reappointment.

Where part of municipality in authority’s area
(5) Where part only of a municipality is situated in an area over which an authority has jurisdiction, the number of members appointed for the municipality shall be based on the population of that part only of the municipality, and the population shall be deemed to be the same proportion of the total population of the whole municipality as the area of that part of the municipality is of the total area of the municipality. R.S.O. 1990, c. C.27, s. 14 (5).
(6) Repealed: 1996, c. 1, Sched. M, s. 42.

Saturday, 8 April 2017

Justice You Can't Count On !

Now just what would make a writer declare 'Justice You Can't Count On!'.

Perhaps it stems from witnessing too many court cases or more than likely it's from witnessing too many court cases but in different venues. 

When entering the two main court houses in Niagara you will have to pass through a metal detector, have you purse searched, be scanned with a portable scanner paddle and even have to raise your pant legs so show your socks. You might say the exercise is for security. You might be right until you enter the court room in other jurisdictions and find they hold court without such security. 

Furthermore it rankles the senses to realize that the security officers are police officers doing desk-duty because they have been charged with crimes. 

Then of course there is the court cases themselves with the completely contrary decisions emanating from the various justices. One justices decides that Conservation Authority Officers have the same rights as Police and Fire Officials to trespass as they please, roam around and take pictures. Another justice understands that Conservation Officers must obtain a court order or at the very least provide notice before they trespass, take pictures or gather any evidence. 

One justice rules this tainted evidence valid where another justice blocks such tainted evidence.

One justice even allows ignorance as an excuse.

Sadly your whole case can hinge on decisions like these!

Worse yet you can find yourself facing a crown prosecutor and a justice both of whom obligated to your accuser.

It's getting harder to tell where justice leaves off and injustice begins! 

I wrote a short article regarding justice in our legal system. I used the image below which I felt best represents my diminished respect.
It is alarming to see how many citizens are starting to view our legal system as not much more than a crass cash grab!

Comments under Justice Canadian Style

Here’s how I see it. The province owns 87% of the land mass in Ontario (see Ministry of Natural Resources and Forestry site). We continue to lose more land daily to our province’s control, due to new builds, be it condos, subdivisions, expropriation, etc. It appears all 3 ruling parties would like to get 100% control of the land mass in the province. Matters not what government is in power, the other two parties see the advantage of FULL CONTROL.

I validate my theory by the fact our 3 main parties refuse to acknowledge the Crown Patent which gives owners full rights to their property with some reservations. If there is an argument for the greater good, i.e., Thundering Waters in Niagara Falls the land is suppose to be purchased by our government at fair value market and keep it safe, whatever the reason, for future generations, i.e., use it for a nature park, etc. This action would save our remaining wetlands. Instead we see a developer destroying a Provincially Significant Wetland, with no repercussions. The man living next door who witnessed this event notified Niagara Peninsula Conservation Authority, Ministry of Natural Resources and the municipality involved. Almost 2 years later he is still waiting to hear what actions will be taken to remedy the destruction of this wetland. Our provincial government came up with a bizarre idea of their own, they call it biodiversity offsetting, to justify allowing a wetland to be destroyed and replicated elsewhere.

However, when it comes to property owners, wetland becomes the ultimate sin. Our courts are not acknowledging our Crown Patents which gives us rights to our property. Preston Haskell has been covering stories about property owners who get charged for developing on a wetland and about people who attempt to save a wetland, read: News Alert Niagara or Niagara Landowners. You won’t read these stories in our local newspapers; way too politically sensitive. PLEASE PEOPLE WAKE UP BEFORE IT’S TOO LATE! If you want to learn more, attend the Niagara Landowners Annual General Meeting, Friday, May 12th at 7 p.m. at Rockway Community Centre and hear our Guest Speakers: Gary McHale and Ed Smith speak to matters of importance to Canadians. Google the two names for more information. Erika Furney


Distressingly, Greg, you are correct -- on all points. I hate to be repetitious, but for the longest time I have said that we (the citizens of Canada) have brought this type of thing upon ourselves. We became indifferent, indolent and ignorant of our political system and, because of that, we let the horse run away with the cart, so to speak. We did not examine the political candidates. We did not question each and every candidate thoroughly. We allowed ourselves to be led down the garden path by those who we "assumed" were honest and trustworthy. We failed to recognize the realities of history that teaches that that is the path to destruction of societies throughout time. We became pawns in a game of power and looting and never once, to my knowledge, demanded an accounting. We took their word that things were fine and if and when we felt something was wrong, we were told (and accepted) the typical political answer that whatever it was that got our attention we were assured that it was "merely a temporary discomfort and will be rectified shortly" Back to sleep we went and ignored the realities that an accounting by these 'public servants' was in order. So now we are where we are and, sadly, it appears that things have gotten out of hand. We forgot that 'public servants' are supposed to 'serve the interests of and protect the interests of' us, those that have allowed them to accrue benefits and privileges not attainable by the average individual. Perhaps, but only perhaps, this could be brought back to what it should be, but that cannot and will not happen without very serious actions by those affected -- the taxpayer.

  1. This appears to be abuse of power.

    I really wonder if the councilors understand swearing to their oath of office, what it mean and why it is done. Some history lessons seem to be in order here.

    If Mark Barnfield had a permit to open a business, isn't this permission? Doesn't the NPCA work for the Cities? If there is an error here the NPCA should be taking the City of Welland to court for issuing a permit on so called protected land. Then there are the rights of the property owner as referred to on their deed or land transfer." Subject to reservations of the Crown Grant" Why is the NPCA ignoring the prerogative of the Crown? Just to let you know, the pecking order is Crown, Federal, Provincial and municipalities. It appears that there are serious problems here. How about the MNR, do they agree that this land is protected, I would like to see the answer to that simple question.
  2. You do not have to look very far across the road from Mr Barnfield's property to see infilling in the larger part of the Atlas Wetland, both by ASW dumping their slag and the expansion of the SLM scrap yard. It seems it matters not what you do but who you are and how good your political connections are.
    Being a little unconnected guy is Mr Barnfield only crime!
  3. Can this be taken to a Federal level, not that I trust them any more than the others but might hit upon a judge who can reverse this and sue the pants off NPCA.
  4. Just one word....CORRUPTION!!!
  5. People need to start shooting these people, like the guy who warped out in Calgary after their ungodly abuse & destructiom of his famiy, and shot four people in the demonic (not kidding) Workmans Compensation Board. Bet they approved a few hundred honest claims for the first time in 70 years before they got back doing what they do: Ruining innocent people's lives.
Please make your views known in the Comment section below...

Wednesday, 5 April 2017

Socialists Fear President Trump will Succeed

Why else would they try so hard to prevent him from moving forward on behalf of American Citizens or for that matter the Citizens of the World!

No one really knows for sure the outcome of a Trump Presidency good, bad or mediocre!

Certainly a great preponderance of the American Voters are demanding change, to reduce debilitating and redundant rules and regulations strangulating American progress and prosperity. 

Simply put Americans expect their President to put Americans first!

The greatest fear among the Trump haters is the fear that Trump is about to derail their GRAVY TRAIN!

Please Share

Saturday, 1 April 2017

The political World of Extortion

Extortion: Literal Definitions
Extortion (also called shakedown, outwrestling, and exaction) is a criminal offense of obtaining money, property, or services from an individual or institution ...

Extortion. The obtaining of property from another induced by wrongful use of actual or threatened force, violence, or fear, or under color of official right.

According 'Niagara at Large' "we only have about a dozen elected people on the current regional council that deserve re-election."

The Ten Politicians pictured above are not among those that deserve re-election!

News Alert Niagara provides a comment section below for any or all of the 'Silent Ten' to refute this article.
Please contact News Alert Niagara if you have been extorted in any way by authorities...