Tuesday, 28 February 2017

Criminal Conservation Authorities in charge

The Words of Chris Heinrich clearly indicate that our former conservation authorities have become no less than criminal organizations doing the bidding of a despotic Liberal Government.

Dear recipients of this letter

I am the owner of 23.60 acres of property on concession 6. Formal description Con 5 PT lot 14 FW FLM Roll# 25 18 302 510 40800, PIN 17544-0116 LT. and a neighbour, adjacent to the applicants owning lands 6212-188883 who initially filed for plan amendment OPA-13-014 and amendment to zoning by-law ZAC-13-047, and who I believe, have once again successfully filed for a minor variance application #FL/A-16:433. To build parking lots and new office buildings on environmentally sensitive lands.

On or about January of 2014, It was brought to my attention that Milne Mining Corp. had applied for planning and zoning amendments for their property located in the vicinity of my property. My attention to this matter was piqued by the fact the amendments included my property as if it was owned by Milne corp. and I feared I would give up my ownership rights if I did not speak out and correct this matter.

On Jan 23/2014 a letter was sent by me to Mr Greg Macdonald (copy available), to : 1- express my concerns of the misrepresentation of ownership of the property, 2- to express my concern over the fact the applicant was currently and illegally encroaching on my property and operating on my lands (south east corner of my property, per airphoto GISNet mapping by Hamilton city hall, produced by Guest 13:00 1/15/2014), 3- expressing concern over the fact that I been told by the Halton C.A. that the land there is environmentally sensitive land and the reason for refusing my application for one building permit for the last 27 years.

In My letter I had asked that I be notified and provided with all disclosure pertaining to the application for rezoning lands adjacent to my property.

I was never notified of any hearing specific to the initial application, even though I did visit Hamilton city Hall and request this in person. I did visit the site and see the notice board at the side of the road, but date of hearing or meeting was blank.

I did find out that Milne’s initial amendment to the zoning by-law was approved, with no resistance from the Halton C.A. even though most of the affected property has natural creeks running through it.

I now have received (on Feb 21/17) notification by mail that a second minor Variance application # FL/A-16:433  hearing will be held on Feb 16/17. Yes, this is no typo. I was notified 5 days after the hearing took place, and once again the variance for fill, asphalt, concrete and excavating next to a natural creeks and water ways was approved without any resistance by the Halton C.A.

I request a copy of the decision.  It is my intent to appeal this matter to the OMB.

For everyone’s information and a little history surrounding my anger over the property in this area and how it has been managed by the Halton Conservation Authority…This is by no means a rant or blame on the current employees of the Halton C.A. or Hamilton C.A. it was a point in time, and those employees if still there know who you are and what you did. It appears some of you are still there playing your games.

I find what has happened strangely unique and very convenient for the applicant, the city of Hamilton, and the Halton C.A. to quickly and quietly pass approvals through, without advising neighbouring land owners, who have been fighting for a building permit for 27 years.

The Halton Conservation Authority has refused my application and hundreds of other inquiries for a building permit on this property, or any type construction such as a path or drive way for over 27 years.  The reason for this, as Halton C.A. explains it, is that these land are significant environmentally sensitive wetlands. In fact so significant that even 1/2 of an acre which I requested a permit for, to build a home on, they claimed would impact the entire remaining 23 acres and change the entire face of the environment and eco system as we know it. ( yes, that is their argument). Not to mention the fact that these Guardians of the environment, claim they are protecting me from myself, as they say I may die from drowning in the event of a 100 year flood. They do not care about the homes and neighbours that currently surround my property, the road they allowed Pan American nurseries to build right through a swamp across from my property, or the construction and excavation being done at the back of my property by Milne Mines and the new building Bennet construction will be putting up along with the concrete parking area for 27 cars, only a few meters from natural creeks…oh no … they are just worried about saving me. Thus extorting my property rights from me.

Just for everyone’s information the building permit and the drawings are available to view. I still have them, the home was to a be a 3 bedroom Viceroy to blend in with the land, a holding tank was proposed so no septic leeching would occur, location to far east side of property where it is dry, to avoid disruption to the wetlands on the right, a 1 acre trout pond would be built to provide clean water and habitat to area animals, 21 acres would remain untouched forever.

I’m still haunted by the denial of my application back in the 90’s and a meeting that took place at the site with a young female Halton C.A. agent who stated to me that I would only get a building permit over her dead body. She was younger than I, so it still may be awhile. 

It was interesting to watch the hundreds of trucks delivering top soil to land similar to mine, two lots down from me, filling in the property owned by a retired public service executive, building his horse farm, while my building application filed at the same time was denied, and then having the Halton C.A. deny that ever happened. Even though I had immense respect for John Hall, as one who tried to bring everyone to a compromise where both parties would benefit, I found that he too (and probably through fear for his job) would eventually succumb to the evil tactics of the Halton C.A. and deny any knowledge of the hundreds of trucks of fill and a building permit being granted while mine was denied. During this time Bennett Construction was leasing approx 7 acres of my property in the south east corner for out buildings etc, and to this day aerial photos show their unauthorized use of my property continues. The Halton C.A never had a problem with that and continues to turn a blind eye.

October of 1990 I warned John Hall director of water shed management, that the Authority would eventually succumb to big business and dollars and cents would over shadow the preservation of the environment. He had the opportunity to grant me one building permit and control the rest of the land in perpetuity. He didn’t believe it. Along comes Pan American nurseries, Bennet construction, Milne Mines and the money.

It’s obvious now, the authority chose to pretend that they cared and today are caving in to the almighty dollar, and big business. 

What I have found out over 27 years is that Halton C.A. law only applies to the private land owner whom they can bully. However, if you are Bennet construction, Milne Mining Corp, or Pan American Nurseries, or any other significant players or government officials with lots of money the conservation laws do not apply. They are free to fill and build regardless, through the wetlands or even use your neighbours lands for your activities (see attached pictures).

I and many others have asked the Halton C.A. for one building permit over a 24 acre property and we have been continuously denied. I had placed my property up for sale in the early and mid 2000’s the interest with respect to a building permit was so great that the Halton C.A. asked me to take down the listing claiming they were receiving too many calls by people, and I should forget about selling as they will never give me a permit. 

In 2001 I had offered to sell this property to the Halton C.A as suggested by John Hall, however John C Bush rejected our proposal and requested we donate the property. At a town hall meeting in 2007, in front of 250 people I offered to donate 22 acres of my property to Halton C.A. in exchange for one building permit, or in the alternative to purchase the property outright from me at the MPAC estimated value, considering this property was so important to the eco system and so highly sensitive from an environmental stand point, I would think that the Halton C.A. would want control over this property in perpetuity…. The Halton C.A. refused, but promised to send an agent to review the property once again. It was quite apparent why the Halton C.A. would not purchase my property. In not so many words the visiting C. A. agent indicated ” Why buy when you control and get the money anyway”. 

27 years of paying taxes for land you cannot put a home on, cannot sell because it’s been poisoned, and sterilized by the Halton C.A. Yet only months for big business to get permits to do anything on the same land right next to me.

27 years of watching the C.A. ‘s subtle form of expropriating people’s rights to their property, extorting the economic benefits families would receive from benign developments such as building a home. Why? Because they claim their job is to say no. No logic, no science, just greed, and a need for power.

It’s time to expose the Halton C.A. for what it truly is.  As a Superior court justice put it…”They are not the government nor are they an agency. They are a service provider similar to Ducks unlimited, a legacy agency to the MNR and funded by tax payers.” That is why it makes no sense for them to purchase Heritage and environmentally sensitive property. They need the Tax payer to fund them through property taxes so that they may use the landowners tax dollars to mount illegal cases of expropriation and extortion against the same property owners. The Halton C.A. is nothing more than  a bunch of taxpayer funded bullies relying on administrative policies, not laws. They try to make you believe that these are laws, they are not. The C.A. cannot use policy statements to expand on it’s illegal bullying objectives or acquire greater jurisdiction than it is given by statute. The Halton C.A. needs to purge itself from the self serving fanatics on their payroll and get back to basics, managing their statutory objectives and respecting the taxpayers they serve. 

I am very disappointed at Hamilton City Hall a once respected planning department sold it’s soul to the dark side of Halton C.A. in an effort to appease big business and destroy the little guy. Shame on you.

I will appeal the committees decision to the OMB. I ask that you send me a copy of the decision of FL/A-16:433 and I will be requesting the City  to reimburse me for 300.00 the cost of pursuing my OMB appeal, as this may have not been necessary if you would have sent the initial Notice of hearing to the  same address you send the tax bill, interestingly enough you claim you don’t have my new address, yet somehow the tax bill for my Flamborough property arrives at the correct address.  I may have been satisfied with what I may have heard at the hearing, and all of this may have been Moot. 

However, due to whatever reasons the city may have had for not wanting me at the hearing, I have been forced by the city to appeal the decision in order to find out how these people are getting approved for permits.


Chris Heinrich

Saturday, 25 February 2017

Liberal (socialist) Lunatics

Only a Liberal (socialist) Lunatic can reason that sending an electricity bill like the one posted above will not eventually have dire consequences.

History has shown that EVERY societal hierarchy  that has impoverished its Citizens has faced horrendous repercussions.

The more ruthless the impoverishment of Citizens the more horrendous the repercussions. 

Like so many despots before you, you interpret your well calculated effort to enrich your elitist friends as a mistake!

Comparing Ontario's Electricity Rates leads to speculation that your Liberal (socialist) lunatics are corrupt to the core.


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Thursday, 16 February 2017

Presenter Abuse

You bring your concerns before the Niagara Regional Council (21:00 minute mark) only to be met with arrogance and ignorance.

Your ask is that citizens be informed when something in their neighborhood is about to affect them.

The response is that it is up to the Citizen to monitor any and all 'public meetings' or be uninformed! To monitor any and all 'public meetings' would mean spending an inordinate amount of one's time or all of one's time to stay informed.


The St. Catharines' mayor's response (55:00 minute mark) that private enterprise could build a much taller building on the site was not an answer to Citizen notification and flies in the face of the necessity for private enterprise to post information of upcoming changes to any community. 

What was the necessity of determining whether St. Catharines City Councilor Mike Britton (59:00 minute mark) was raising the same concerns as a Councilor or or a private Citizens?

Tuesday, 14 February 2017

Thundering Water Safe - NPCA Chair Annunziata Says

In a statement by Niagara Peninsula Conservation Authority Chair Sandy Annunziata the NPCA chair points out why Provincial Significant Wetlands are Safe. 

Feb 13, 2017 (WELLAND, ON) - Sandy Annunziata, Chair of the Niagara Peninsula Conservation Authority (NPCA) Board of Directors today announced the official position of the organization regarding the development of Provincially Significant Wetlands (PSW).
Wetlands in Ontario are evaluated and ranked by the Ministry of Natural Resources and Forestry (MNRF) to determine whether a 'provincially significant' designation is required. Under the Provincial Policy Statement (PPS), interference and site alteration of a PSW is not permitted.
"Let me be clear, there are no less than 18 provincial instruments that facilitate wetland conservation in Ontario," stated Annunziata. "The language is very clear and will be respected. The Provincial Policy Statement is unequivocal in its interpretation, 'development and site alteration shall not be permitted in significant wetlands." 

On behalf of our mandate to further conservation, restoration, development, and management of the watershed, we will not compromise our efforts to comply with current policies and legislation. We will continue to listen to our partners, manage their expectations, and do so exclusively within the language of the various provincial policies we adhere to."
The NPCA reviews and provides comment on planning applications based on the Region of Niagara's Official Plan and NPCA regulations as it relates to natural features. The intent is to not only provide regulation of natural features but to protect people and their property from the effects of flooding and erosion while maintaining and improving water quality.
"The MNRF have been very clear on this issue," added Annunziata. "All checks and balances will be applied in every development application the NPCA receives. The legislation does not allow for exemptions concerning PSWs".

Conservation Authorities, created in 1946 by an Act of the Provincial Legislature, are mandated to further the conservation, restoration, development and management of natural resources through programs that balance human, environmental and economic needs. The NPCA was established on April 30, 1959, under the Conservation Authorities Act, and serves approximately half a million people in the Niagara Peninsula Watershed, encompassing the entire Niagara Region and portions of the City of Hamilton and Haldimand County. The NPCA manages the impact of human activities, urban growth, and rural activities on the watershed

Saturday, 11 February 2017

High Speed Socialism

'Single Source' is the term Niagara Regional Council applies to dealing with only one business entity excluding all others.

Worse it not only applies to  'Single Source'  but to a 'government run single source business'.

They succeeded in giving $1.4Million to a government run entity that councilors where unaware of. They had to ask the name of the government run business entity which turned out to be Niagara Regional Broadband Network (NRBN)

The FIX was in!

The enlightening exchange between Councilors can be view at the 2.22 minute mark Council Click Here.

Niagara Falls' Mayor's angry response produced a vision of Ontario Hydro in all its glory complete with 182 employees in the $Million Dollar Club and outrageous costs increases for the Citizen.

Every Government run entity the Mayor cited is a prime example of what happens to the Citizen once government run entities gains sole control.

It was alarming to hear a leading political figure rail against providing equal treatment for any business predicated on a stated abhorrence for 'private enterprise'.

Without the private business of Xplornet, rural internet users would be out of luck for high speed internet and yet $Millions can be withheld from this private company (Xplornet) based on some misguided and sordid socialistic predilections.

Tuesday, 7 February 2017

Another Media Triumph

The Media supported the Socialists of Venezuela creating this great triumph !!!

VENEZUELA: Another Media Success Story

The Socialists of Venezuela and their Socialist Media Allies Are now languishing in their success. 

The Shame of the NEC

Just when you make the mistake that one of the most perplexing and disgusting chapters in the history of Premier McGuinty’s Liberal Government attacks on Ontario Citizens has been concluded, along comes a sign of clarification.

It all started with a surprise visit from the Niagara Escarpment Commission (NEC) in the form of an over-zealous NEC operative. 

Over-zealous is an understatement! This guy put Victor Hugo’s Inspector Javert to shame! 

Once he gained entry into the home of Jim and Beth Williams ostensibly on a concern over loads of dirt being imported to smooth out Flood damage on the William’s tree farm property, the Javert type character started picking apart everything he could find even items not related to the importing of dirt.

“He was really bullying us, saying ‘I want the truth’ and asking how long exactly things were here, boom, boom, boom. That’s what we had to deal with,” said Jim.

According to Williams, the enforcement officer had an extensive list of complaints during the visit. The officer also questioned the existence of a lumber mill and small boutique operated by Beth Williams. Both have been in operation on the property for several years. He also questioned the presence of a basement apartment, which the Williams said is un-rented and used only for the sake of a second kitchen.

“There’s an apartment downstairs, he’s unhappy about that. He looked in the window. We do process fire wood, and the logs, once they’re small enough we chop into firewood. And the boutique, he wasn’t happy about that,” said Williams. 

Friends and neighbors were astounded by the tone and tenor of the NEC enforcement officer against an 88 year old Canadian WWII War Hero who was using common farm practice to make the land safe.

Folks rushed to the Williams’ property determined to protect Jim and Beth from any further mistreatment by the NEC or their bully boy.

Since the NEC was and is in the business of making sure that nothing and no one could alter the character of the escarpment it puzzled everyone as to why the NEC and their official was so hard on the Williams. The question became; what’s in it for the NAC or their bully boy?

Jim has his Land Patent Grant, which under a proper and legitimate government would have and should have protected the Williams. Under the Ontario Liberal Government as perpetrated by the ‘Queen of Corruption’ the Land Patent Grant holds about the same value as Toilet Paper making the Sovereign’s word equally worthless. 

Startling would have to be the sudden appearance of the ‘Sign of Clarification’!

Wednesday, 1 February 2017

The Great Tax & Spend Brigade

Half a $billion in debt and the Region's Tax and Spend Brigade is determined to keep digging a deeper hole while ignoring the dire straits of its citizens. 

Infrastructure already $1Billion in the red; Prosperity diminishing; Corruption Flourishing; Undue Secrecy; Backroom Deals; Decades long wait for Public Housing; Poverty Soaring; Anemic Growth; Employment Cratering; Youth Exodus; Seniors Neglected; Tens of $Millions Missing; Denying Citizen's Presentations and backing wholesale attacks on property owners.

Is this the way these councilors live their own private lives?

Do they put their own families at risk by financially capitulating to every want and desire?

Would they drive their family so deep in distressful debt that they would jeopardize their children’s physical and financial well being?

Does the overabundance of Regional Councilors save this socialist disorder for over-spending someone else's (their constituent’s) money?

Obviously the days of electing a representative hoping they will properly husband the community on your behalf is over!

When they stay in office too long they morph into something that you would never vote for.

Obviously we must demand ‘Term Limits’ as well as a ‘recall mechanism’.

Failing that we must keep a much closer eye on those we have hired and elected!

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