On January 8, 2016 News Alert Niagara sent this request for comment to all Niagara Regional Councilors. We will report all responses. No Responses Yet...
Since it
appears that there are some of you not fully apprised of the things concerning
the informed Niagara Citizen, I am enclosing a couple of items that might be of
interest to you.
Start with
the ‘Standard’, through their top reporter’s rant by Grant Lafleche, who again denigrated
Niagara Regional Council well beyond that of anyone else. LaFleche says; ‘The
public is losing confidence in our regional politicians, so flowery words
aren’t going to cut it'
Perhaps it’s
enough that some councilors could treat the ‘Standard’ the same way they treat
‘the mirror on line’ and ‘News Alert Niagara’.
However it’s
unlikely you would dismiss the ‘Standard’ with publicly defaming comments that
‘you don’t recognize the ‘Standard reporter’s credentials!
on the assumption that you would appreciate the opportunity to inform thousands
of our readers (your constituents) exactly where you stand on the following
issues, we are offering each councilor unedited response in 500 words or less.
For instance;
while you are aware that some councilors are making out like bandits on the
public purse, you failed to notice that you actually have councilors with per
diem increases by as much as $4Thousand to $12Thousand in a single jump!
You sat by
and allowed your Regional Government to involve you in contravening the
‘Criminal Code of Canada’ Machiavellian style and are content to spend
unlimited amounts of taxpayer money to defend criminals: http://newsalertniagara.blogspot.ca/2015/12/miscreants-in-charge.html
Council has
allowed the NPCA to run roughshod over Niagara Citizens, while pretending to be doing something useful: http://newsalertniagara.blogspot.ca/2015/11/smoking-gun.html
Many of you
have allowed the ‘years long bullying’ of one of your fellow councilors, while
none of you can claim to have done a better job on behalf of the Niagara
taxpayer: http://newsalertniagara.blogspot.ca/2015/12/get-petrowski.html
Many of you
try your best to hide activities from the Citizen and ignore their supplications: http://newsalertniagara.blogspot.ca/2015/12/a-veil-of-secrecy.html
Your Response or non-response
can be returned by reply