Thursday, 28 January 2016

Request Political Response

Dear Readers,
On January 8, 2016 News Alert Niagara sent this request for comment to all Niagara Regional Councilors. We will report all responses. No Responses Yet...

Since it appears that there are some of you not fully apprised of the things concerning the informed Niagara Citizen, I am enclosing a couple of items that might be of interest to you.

Start with the ‘Standard’, through their top reporter’s rant by Grant Lafleche, who again denigrated Niagara Regional Council well beyond that of anyone else. LaFleche says; ‘The public is losing confidence in our regional politicians, so flowery words aren’t going to cut it'

Perhaps it’s enough that some councilors could treat the ‘Standard’ the same way they treat ‘the mirror on line’ and ‘News Alert Niagara’

However it’s unlikely you would dismiss the ‘Standard’ with publicly defaming comments that ‘you don’t recognize the ‘Standard reporter’s credentials!

Predicated on the assumption that you would appreciate the opportunity to inform thousands of our readers (your constituents) exactly where you stand on the following issues, we are offering each councilor unedited response in 500 words or less.

For instance; while you are aware that some councilors are making out like bandits on the public purse, you failed to notice that you actually have councilors with per diem increases by as much as $4Thousand to $12Thousand in a single jump!

You sat by and allowed your Regional Government to involve you in contravening the ‘Criminal Code of Canada’ Machiavellian style and are content to spend unlimited amounts of taxpayer money to defend criminals:

Council has allowed the NPCA to run roughshod over Niagara Citizens, while pretending to be doing something useful:

Many of you have allowed the ‘years long bullying’ of one of your fellow councilors, while none of you can claim to have done a better job on behalf of the Niagara taxpayer:

Your Response or non-response can be returned by reply

Friday, 22 January 2016

Destroy Odd Balls

I'd like to know exactly when "grades" took a step back pushing sexuality to the top over-running the public education system.

Sounds to me like sexuality is no longer good clean fun of discovery... it's being taught. I could only imagine the frustration of the children in the lower grade schools being manipulated by the system in questioning their very person instead of letting nature taking its course.

I would also like to understand why the "LGBTQ Community" has left out the "H or S" from a listing standpoint? Are Heterosexual or Straight members of their community being shut-out because they "just don't belong?" From a legal standpoint how did they ever get jurisdiction and authority by leaving these people standing in the aisles? Maybe they thrive on conflict that doesn't exist so they experiment using students as guinea pigs masking it as "education". Oh, they're being transparent. You bet! Problem is that today’s youth look through things and not into them leaving themselves open to corruption. Smart parents of wealth look to private or home schooling; further deepening the system of haves' and have-nots. Another hit on the middle class...

I suggest, on the first day of grade 9, all students that are Heterosexual or Straight consider the labels L, G, B, T or Q and wear them proudly in glee like being fashionable and trendy avoiding a 4 year hell.

Although the figure is 1 in 10 is now the norm being stated on several web sites I suspect that 80 to 90% fall under these labels in today's world before they hit high school? This leads to other questions like;

why is their numbers so small and unrealistic and,

is the school system looking to unify the students through a pipe dream and, would it shock the public to find out that a huge number like 70/30 already exists due to media and entertainment stimulation? Student only confide in their closest of friends at school and groups outside of school activities are labeled gangs. So what are student incentives to tell the truth unless this project is designed to offer each student a categorical propositions to premises (education con job at its best) and, what's their agenda and,
why does the media and entertainment world support this and,

how many in the media and entertainment are one of the labels and,

what are the true projections and numbers that are used by the education system and how many are to be converted and,

where is the benchmark used to propagate or possibly prorogate this enforcement and,

the list goes on for miles...???

I'll guaranty that in 2 generations there won't be a soul left leaving high school that will admit to being mentally and physically beaten for being Heterosexual or Straight including but not limited to a genuine fear of entering a world of social reprisal. They're already getting the message; "if you ain't different, you ain't nutin!" That ideology alone puts everyone in the same category killing individualism.

Isn't that just great?

I don't care if you're L-G-B-T-Q-H-S. I'm old enough to accept and the schools I went to taught knowledge that systematically removed bigotry and prejudice by the end of the 70's. I suggest looking into who created the new emergency to find the culprit(s) behind the push. That being said I think this is an act of futility to herd students around like sheep. I think the complete opposite of the desired effect will take place and society is going to pay the price for their arrogance when today's students take the helm of your futures.


Saturday, 16 January 2016

The Great Government Land Grab

Property Rights again in jeopardy in the hallowed halls of Queen’s Park. Bill 118, the Great Lakes Shoreline Right of Passage ACT was presented as a private members bill in 2015 by Niagara MPP, Wayne Gates, the NDP member for that riding. The bill has passed second reading and now has gone to committee for early 2016. The bill will grant the right of passage for walkers and un-motorized vehicles between the homeowner’s house and the water’s edge. The properties that will be affected are all the properties along the shores of all the Great Lakes, the St. Laurence River as well as all the properties along the rivers flowing into those waterways. In other words, most communities in Ontario will have some properties affected by this bill. This should set off thunderous alarms in every property owners head, with the recognition that, if this passes, then no private property in Ontario is safe from the intrusive whims of those who see their neighbours property and lust to have it for their own, and if they can’t have it, they lobby certain politicians, (who themselves believe that government should control all property), to pass laws removing the private control of that property a little at a time.
People who live far away from the water’s edge should not feel safe, because removal of property rights for one is removal of property rights for all. This is the thin edge of the wedge and it is the proof that the NDP and the Liberals presently in power in Toronto, have no respect for property rights or for the letter of the law that has been passed down to us, from the Magna Carta. 

Now the lobby for walking trails and bike trails around the province will have open season on all private property. Watch your back yard, folks, you could soon have a trail across it, because if your neighbours with waterfronts don’t have rights, neither do you.
Adam Smith, Scottish author and moral philosophy, explained the role of government when he said, “the first and chief design of every system of government is to maintain justice; to prevent the members of society from encroaching on one another’s property, or seizing what is not their own. The design here is to give each one the secure and peaceable possession of his own property”.

Now instead of the government standing up to defend property rights, it is the one instigating the removal of said property rights, led by an NDP member that fails to recognize how the removal of property rights has worked in the rest of the world. He should take a long look in the mirror and hopefully recognize that this will eventually destroy this country and then do the right thing and withdraw Bill 118.

If you have any opinions to pass on to this MPP regarding this Bill, you can reach him by phone at 905-357-0681 and leave a message or write to him at:

MPP Wayne Gates                                             
Unit 1, 6746 Morrison Street
Niagara Falls, ON L2E 6Z8


Make sure you copy your own MPP on this matter.

Tom Black OLA

Rights that can be legislated away are not rights

Response #1:
In a civilized society it is customary to pay market price to acquire someone's property when expropriating for valid reason. It is never appropriate to steal a property or a right.

Response #2:
For some people theft of property or theft of right is okay as long as it is someone else's property without compensation or someone else's right that is being stolen!

But how would they feel if it were their property that was being stolen without compensation? How would they feel if it was their right being removed by legislation?

In the case of NDP, MPP, and Union Leader Wayne Gate it creates a question as to how Mr. Gates would feel if union rights were stolen such as the 'right to strike'?

If government can simply legislate away one right, it stands to reason that they can legislate away every right leaving citizens with no rights at all!

Official Niagara Baffle Gab

The front cover of the Niagara Regional Government’s 90 page book reads, ‘looking out to focus in’ with a sub title stating, ‘fostering an environment for Economic Prosperity’.

Included in the 90 pages of baffle gab is this; ‘Economic prosperity emerges as the prominent theme throughout the national, provincial and local agendas. And, while it is the private sector that generates wealth for the economy and creates jobs, governments can play a key role in fostering the conditions for economic competitiveness through investments (spending) in sound infrastructure, seamless transportation networks, highly skilled labour markets and favourable trade conditions. The research suggests that a narrow focus on supporting economic prosperity in Niagara is our best opportunity to deliver the greatest community impact over the next few years’.

Included in this missive is a link to the complete 90 page document of cleverly concocted ‘baffle gab’ designed to offering nothing more than a cover-up for the fact that there is no intention of doing anything different than the last Regional Council. In fact this 90 page missive is testament to do nothing!

The Niagara Regional Government’s CAO Mr. Harry Schlange addressed council with his opinion of what ails our Niagara Region.

Schlange was blunt in his assessment of Niagara’s current weaknesses, including higher than average unemployment and youth unemployment, lower than average population growth, lower than average income levels, and social assistance caseload that’s soared in recent years — pushing up already long waits for affordable housing.

It’s all about “doing business very differently than we’ve been doing,” he said. “Very differently.”

“We need to do some leading-edge things,” he said. “The competition is eating our lunch."

“We’ve decided we want to chart a new course, a course of aggressive economic prosperity,” he said

Schlange identified the perpetrators of this report was jointly created by every one of his department commissioners and through numerous meetings he’s had with all 12 chief administrative officers at Niagara’s towns and cities, all five local municipal economic development offices, a number of local chambers of commerce, deputy ministers at the province and the president of Metrolinx, the province’s transportation investment agency.

CAO Schlange couldn’t manage to complete his presentation on fostering an environment for economic prosperity without referring to needs for investment (SPENDING) or even proffer a single thought as to how the Niagara Region could possibly become ‘competitive’.

It is painfully obvious the CAO Schlange and his Gang believe that prosperity can be bought!

However beautiful the strategy, you should occasionally look at the results.    

It is difficult to make ‘Quantum Leaps’ when up to your knees in bullshit!


Tuesday, 12 January 2016

Constituents Betrayed

Representatives of the Niagara Property Owners Association made a third attempt, Oct.2/14, Jan,29/15 budget meeting regarding NPCA funding and then again Feb. 5/15 in a vain effort to the find relief from a total financial onslaught by the Niagara Peninsula Conservation Authority.

When attempting to present their story, they referenced the plight of members being abused by the NPCA. For that the region's lawyer Jennifer Feren (not the same region's lawyer Mickey Cruickshank persecuting landowners) tried TWICE to censor any reference to cases before the courts. Fortunately, Councilor Wayne Redekop (also a Lawyer) intervened stating that a reference was not discussing the details of any case before the courts.

What is interesting is the reaction of the councilors. Immediately following the property owner's presentation, the presenters and a couple dozen victims of the NPCA left in silence. Not a single councilor cared enough to ask a question or show even a modicum of concern for their constituents being abused and evern bankrupted by their (still) out of control bureaucracy.

However, at the end of the council meeting under 'other business' our 27 year veteran Councilor George Marshall rose to question the property owner's right to present to council!. 

Councilor Marshall suggested it was akin to having people line up to complain every time the police are on the agenda. Strange how Councilor Marshall thinks the Niagara Regional Council has some say over the police and the police budget yet no sway what so ever when it comes to the NPCA!

Fourth term Councilor Brian Baty, and NPCA Board Member and also past chair of the infamous 'CORK COMMITTEE', readily agreed with Marshal and proceeded to suggest that the property owners should take their concerns to the NPCA, which is the very body that is abusing them!

Even our popular councilor Bart Maves, and NPCA Member not only agreed with Councilor Marshall  but added that a letter be sent to the property owners to guide them to other venues.

Last but not least councilor Bruce Timms, the actual Chairman of the NPCA also agreed with Councilor Marshall that the victims of NPCA abuse should bring their concerns to his NPCA board for a solution.
But Bruce Timms also says his gang doesn't trespass on private property even though that is exactly what happened in the Barnfield case!

Get a load of CAO Carmen D’Angelo's comment that 'we prefer to settle our charges out of Court'! Of coarse they do, but if their victim refuses to pay as is the case with Gail Ross and Rick Scime who were given an ultimatum to pay $tens of thousands or face court at a much greater cost! And this from a guy that can't even look after the NPCA books, sends NPCA Liars to attend Court or keep track of NPCA files!

The comments of the four regional councilors prompted a conversation on how the region's bylaw rules can be changed to block interest groups from presenting to council. Sound much like Councilor Baty's failed attempt to totally ban Niagara Citizens from ever speaking or presenting their concerns in their public forum known as Niagara Regional Council.

Never mind the four vocal councilors advocating for the banning of citizens groups from being allowed to make presentations in their own public forum to their own Regional Councilors!

The question is why did the rest of the councilors sit in silent and tacit approval of a ban on their constituents? Not one of the silent councilors raised objections to sending the property owners back to the bureaucracy that they were complaining about.

Democracy or the illusion of democracy