Thursday, 30 July 2015


It’s got to be serious when your local newspaper publishes dozens of front-page articles attacking one Niagara Regional Councilor.

Eventually one becomes cognizant of the words in Shakespeare’s play ‘Hamlet’ lamenting that such a caustic overload of venal information might indicate a situation of “doth protest too much, methinks”.

Surely such an amount of resounding and shrill headlines are more appropriately reserved for things of earth-shattering importance as opposed to one newsman’s vendetta against one Municipal Councilor, whose religious stance on same-sex marriage runs counter to the newsman’s personal opinion!

Why did St. Catharines ‘STANDARD’ writer, Grant LaFleche, use his position and his newspaper to affect his full blown assault on Niagara Regional Councilor Andy Petrowski?

The reason for the vendetta appears to be that LaFleche was incensed by a tweet from Petrowski which read: Obama singing "Amazing Grace" the day he condones same sex marriage, talk about a perverted mind?!

Perhaps for some people comments like: Obama singing "Amazing Grace" the day he condones same sex marriage, talk about a perverted mind, rates right up there with some of the world’s most earth shattering events great enough to spur on a drive to totally destroy the beleaguered councilor for railing against same-sex marriage juxtaposed to the U.S. President singing ‘Amazing Grace’ at a tragic funeral.

The question is what percentage of people is not supportive of same-sex marriage?

Didn’t matter to STANDARD newsman LaFleche! He took it upon himself to gain an interview with Petrowski in order to sucker Petrowski into a philosophic conversation regarding his religious beliefs. CRAFTY!

LaFleche then led the charge with his tax-and-spend crowd to carry on their sordid effort to destroy the beleaguered ‘champion of frugality’!

Beleaguered because this phenomenon isn’t new!

Hell no!

Petrowski had set the ‘Tax-and-Spend’ crowd abuzz before he ever thought of running for politics. His political enemies were startled when Petrowski made a citizen presentation that took exception to the Regional Chair’s remark that ‘even people living in straw houses could afford the $1.2M tax increase. Classifying himself as ‘The Water Bill Warrior’ didn’t help either! Now he is in his second term as a Regional Councilor and is still striving to hold down wasteful spending.

Month after month, year after year this battle scared ‘bull in the china shop’ plods on with swords protruding from his back placed there by socialist parasites determined to remove this impediment to their gravy train.

In no particular order there was the odious ‘Tim Lewis Story’ that Chair Buroughs failed to investigate. The police pulling rank over our elected Regional Council. Last but not least the tragic Bob Hansplant story, ‘A Cry for Help’, which brought on the $40K expenditure toward the hiring of a deceitful ‘Integrity Commissioner’, who not only failed in his duty to investigate by interviewing only the plaintive witnesses but by also lying in his report.

The longtime award-winning reporter at the St. Catharines Standard noted that, ‘it is easy to be for free speech when the speech in question is what you like. You have to be in favour of free speech for the views you dislike, or you are not in favour of free speech’.

So what was it about Councilor Petrowski’s speech that would trigger the strong proponent of free speech to launch into such a venal vendetta even to the point of coaching other reporters on how to approach Councilor Petrowski?

Lafleche championed NRP Chief McGuire who wasted no time digging his spurs into police board vice chair Petrowski, leaving out of course the fact that he sets violent criminals loose on unsuspecting citizens.  Now NRP Chief McGuire and the NRPSB can chew on THIS.


Did Petrowski use any of the typical, common or disgusting slurs against anyone?   Did he use his position to participate in a decades long vendetta against anyone?   Did he use his position to financially chisel Niagara taxpayers?   Did he use his position in an attempt to deprive Niagara Citizens the right to be heard by our Regional Council?   Did he sit by as a Regional Councilor and knowingly allow Regional Bumblecrats destroy Niagara Families predicated on greed?   Did he sit silent on the NRPSB while Convicted violent criminals where allowed to remain by the NRP Chief?  Does he run to the media trying to hurt his fellow councilors?

Its a very long list of economy crippling activity right here in Niagara and all the 'long-time' St. Catharines ‘STANDARD’ award-winning writer, Grant LaFleche can focus on is Councilor Petrowski's rightful opinion regarding same-sex marriage, which by the way is an opinion shared by a preponderance of our society?

And how many times does Councilor Petrowski have to apologize for twittering: Obama singing "Amazing Grace" the day he condones same sex marriage, talk about a perverted mind?!

Who will apologize for allowing toxic pollution to flow into our storm sewers or the mountain of carcinogen piled alongside the Welland River?

The expose' of Empire Building and Tyranny clearly illustrates that there are more serous situations that are being systematically ignored, while our local press and even our Regional Government participates in an ongoing campaign to ‘Get Petrowski’!

Some of Petrowski’s fellow Regional Councilors found themselves fawning all over the only presenter on the subject to the extent that there was not a single word regarding how so many Canadians feel about same-sex marriage.

Professional public speaker and political opponent to Petrowski, Mr. Ted Mouradian treated Regional Councilors to an awesome torrent of ‘outrage, shock, insult, and hurt' that he felt by Petrowski’s views on same-sex marriage. He talked a lot about tolerance and even chastised the councilors for the damage they had done by the lack of response to intolerance, while nowhere in his presentation did he display a modicum of tolerance even after the repeated apologies from Councilor Petrowski.

Could the lack of response that shocked and outraged Mr. Mouradian have been sourced from the mixed emotion regarding private opinion regarding same-sex marriage? Where some councilors caught between not wanting to be seen as favoring same-sex marriage and their desire to censure their perceived impediment to their spending?

And is it over? Apparently not!  Now we have another political opportunist collecting signatures from his circle of like-minded friends to demand that Councilor Petrowski be removed from committees, the NRPSB in particular.

Like Ted Mouradian, Sean Poldon also ran against Petrowski for Niagara Regional Council. There is a distinct possibility that the preponderance of their faux concern is that they get what they want at the expense of everything and everyone else.

LaFleche labeled the Niagara Regional Council as a council without courage. This council abandoned God and their invocation in favour of a moments silence followed immediately by standing to sing O’Canada, with its four references to God! 

Only three weeks later they opted to deviate again to a ‘statement’ predicated on a rant from an “A” personality.

Our Niagara Region would do a lot better if we paid more attention to the needs of Niagara and its people and less concern for sexual proclivities or stinky libido.

Fortunately everyone can witness the whole council episode by clicking here.

PS: “Once a government is committed to the principle of silencing the voice of opposition, it has only one way to go, and that is down the path of increasingly repressive measures, until it becomes a source of terror to all its citizens and creates a country where everyone lives in fear." -Harry S. Truman

Thursday, 9 July 2015

A Mother's Plea to Our Prme Minister

Dear Prime Minister Harper,

                                                     I am writing this letter, to ask for your help.  I have been fighting to protect my son, from a wind turbine project, that the Liberal Gov. in Ontario, is putting into our “unwilling community”.  
 I have shown an enormous amount of proof, including a letter from my son’s specialist, saying that the emissions from the wind turbines would be harmful to Joey.

I went to the Environmental Review Tribunal, but the entire affair was slanted in favour of the wind company.  They had nothing to show that my son would not be harmed, and they ignored the mountain of evidence I had produced, proving harm. 
The MOE said my only option, to protect my son, would be to use money we do not have, to hire a lawyer.  Please advise me of how I can get a lawyer to help Joey.  I believe, as Health is a Federal matter, that the Federal Government, should help my son.  Please respond as soon as possible, so this matter can be settled, before the onslaught from the 608 ft., 3 MW wind turbines, begins.

The wind turbine closest to our home, would be 550M away.  That is the minimum setback, for the much smaller, quieter machines.  This is a horrific thing to do to a child who suffers from severe sensory processing issues, as well as ADHD, and anxiety, all diagnosed, and treated with various medications.

I am working hard to educate people about the government-sanctioned abuse happening in Ontario, to rural residents.   
The Green Energy Act is allowing big business to come in and harm people, with no means of protecting the vulnerable citizens.  Everyone can understand that this is wrong.  It is cruel, to allow this to go on any longer.  My website has thousands of articles explaining the facts behind the entire wind scheme.  
We are counting on you, to help us correct the situation, at the Federal level.  There is no such thing, as a law, or regulation, that should let a gov’t turn a blind eye, to people being harmed, by an industry they have condoned, and supported.

Once again, I must ask, please respond to my letter, as soon as possible.  The company has begun building an access road, this week.  The wind turbines have to be stopped, or my family has to be moved/protected.

                                   Yours sincerely,

                                   Shellie C. Correia

Monday, 6 July 2015

Assault on Freedom

Well finally! Finally we have a Niagara Regional Police Services Board worth having as clearly illustrated by the report and video provided by Standard news.

This new brand of NRPSB members are actually asking the questions that many informed Niagara Citizens are asking. 

They are asking why ‘Convicted Violent and Armed Criminals’ are being retained on our NRP. 

They’re asking how a four time convicted bully cop is still an NRP officer. 

Some citizens are asking: What do you call an organization that harbours Convicted violent and Armed Criminals? 

News Alert Niagara asks: What kind of police chief allows these questions to go unanswered?

They are as concerned about perjurer police officers devastating our justice system.

This new brand of NRPSB members are questioning how all this skullduggery can go on while in Ottawa a cop is forced to resign because he met with escorts!

Our police chief is the former Toronto Staff Superintendent who endorsed the illegal G20 conduct of the Toronto police force, a force with police officers now charged and convicted in court for illegally abusing citizens.


You will observe that in the video our Chief of Police spent considerable time explaining valid reasons for ‘carding’ of citizens. Please note that the board members extensively questioned the Chief’s position regarding the ability for innocent citizen’s to exorcise their right to refuse to be carded.

Now we find that for some reason the police did not contact the SIU for over three weeks after the vicious police beating of NICK ZAIDENKO!

The SIU seems to be having the same trouble as our NRP in justifying the reason for a citizen having been criminally beaten into a three day coma for refusing to be ‘carded’ by, as yet, unnamed police thugs.

Not to worry Citizens of Niagara! Our Chief of Police has now been promoted to the highest police position in the land. As President of the OACP, with its more than 1,500 members, Chief Jeff McGuire will represent the RCMP, the OPP, First Nations and Municipal Police Services across Ontario. 

Question: Will our NRP Chief Greg McGuire take his brand of policing with him to the OACP?

The Chief Fights Back

From: Jeff McGuire <>
Date: July 10, 2015 at 3:58:41 PM EDT
To: All Users <>

On Wednesday, July 8, the St. Catharines Standard published an article based on a social media posting by Mr. Andrew Petrowski on his personal Twitter account. Mr. Petrowski is the Vice-Chair of the Police Services Board. The focus of the article was same-sex marriage.
I think it is important that, as your Chief of Police, I restate my commitment to ensuring that our organization maintains a climate of understanding and mutual respect for the dignity and worth of all of our members and the people we serve. (SPIN) The Ontario Human Rights Code guarantees protection in a number of areas including family and marital status, gender identity and gender expression, sex, and sexual orientation.  Same sex marriage has been legal in Canada for over ten years. 
This Service's Mission statement makes a strong declaration about the things that are important to our organization.  Not only are we committed to serving and protecting every resident and visitor within the Regional Municipality of Niagara, we are just as dedicated to providing a professional, satisfying work environment that respects the rights of every employee and encourages personal and professional growth.
I am proud that our organization is committed to the principle of providing responsive, diversity-competent service so that people of different backgrounds experience NRPS’ belief in fair and unbiased policing; compassion and understanding; approachability, courtesy and openness in a way that is meaningful to them.
Jeff McGuire, M.O.M.
Chief of Police

Deceptive talk from a chief that harbours convicted violent criminals that bash innocent citizen’s skulls in and beats citizens into a 3 day coma causing a financial liability worth $100’s of millions.

A Citizen Strike Back
 Click Link to see Chief McGuire's police in action...

Perhaps the problem is 'CLIMATE CHANGE'!!!