Thursday, 13 June 2013

When is a Union Not a Union?

When is a Union Not a Union?
When it denies its members the same rights it demands for itself!

There is something terribly wrong with how unions are allowed to operate in Canada. Union bosses operate in secrecy and squander workers' forced dues on radical projects without even consulting union members. What's more, hard-working Canadians are being forced to join unions against their will, just to hold a job. This is an issue that impacts every taxpayer in Canada whether you are in a union or not - these union bosses enjoy hundreds of millions of dollars of tax exemptions at our expense every year.

At the National Citizens Coalition we think this is an outrage, and that it is long past time to bring these union bosses into line. Please stand with us on this campaign and show your support with your most generous contribution.

Decades ago, Canadian unions were permitted to collect dues in order to assist in their collective bargaining negotiations. Modern union bosses have exploited this loop-hole to the point where they are using members' forced dues as their own personal piggy bank. Here are some recent examples of unacceptable and inappropriate union spending:

· In 2013, the Canadian Union of Postal Workers (CUPW) funded and assisted Idle No More protesters without asking union membership or holding a plebiscite.In the past year alone CUPW has written letters praising Hugo Chavez as a democratic hero, and applauded Chief Theresa Spence for standing against "the moral bankruptcy of the Canadian state".

· In 2011, Public Service Alliance Canada (PSAC) spent $2.8-million on questionable political activism. This included funding separatist political parties in Quebec seeking to break away from the country.

· In 2012, various locals from the Canadian Union of Public Employees (CUPE) contributed more than $30,000 to the illegal Quebec student protests. And the Ontario Public Sector Employees Union donated more than $20,000 to the Occupy Toronto protests.

 Where are those we hired and elected?

For the rest of the story click here: