The shocking and extraordinary corruption being unearthed in major Quebec cities has been made possible through the valiant efforts of whistle-blowers and concerned citizens.
You know who they are!
They are the people that the evil-doers like to call names like trouble makers, nut-jobs, screw-balls, etc., and all in a concerted effort to throw the general public off any scent of scandal.
Whistle-blowers and concerned citizens have led to the arrest of hundreds of villains including Gilles Vaillancourt, the former mayor of suburban Laval, Que.
They face dozens of charges including gangsterism, which would make it the largest alleged criminal organization ever run out of a City Hall in Canada.
Gerald Tremblay quit as mayor of Montreal after a campaign financing scandal and corrupt city engineers eroded his support.
Now, some may say that corruption is common in the province of Quebec, intimating that that sordid thing doesn’t happen here.
Then why the name calling against our Niagara whistle-blowers and concerned citizens when they dare to speak out and stand up against our civic leaders?
Perhaps the name-callers are correct about the character of Niagara whistle-blowers and concerned citizens given that we not only have name calling but it has escalated into threats of legal action and even threats of physical harm, including death threats against themselves and against their families. They have had their properties vandalized and for what?
Prompts the question; do we actually have evil-doers with something to hide? Where do our councilors stand on these situations? Are they as silent as were the councilors in Quebec?
These antics would make it appear so.
Examples of some disturbing incidents indicating possibilities of problems right here in Niagara
When confronted by citizens, over what appeared to be a serious toxic dump, the Niagara Regional Government immediately went into a defensive posture. Obviously the mistake was assuming that the Regional Government would be equally concerned about a toxic dump as their citizens.
The surprising response can be viewed here:
The very experienced Chairman Gary Buroughs of Niagara Regional Government did nothing to protect one of his councilors from a scurrilous political attack by someone hiding behind an email pseudonym.
Former RCMP chief superintendent Ben Soave told a French national television network that organized crime has infiltrated Ontario at least as much as it has in Quebec, if not more.
According to Supt. Kevin Harrison we have; “corruption, scope, violence, infiltration, sophistication, expertise, subversion, strategy, discipline, insulation, multiple enterprises, group cohesiveness, (and) monopoly.” and then it is Former Premier of Ontario that is asking for proof of corruption!
Meet Heather Brooke and her battle to expose government corruption.
Our leaders need to be held accountable, says journalist Heather Brooke. And she should know: Brooke uncovered the British Parliamentary financial expenses that led to a major political scandal in 2009. She urges us to ask our leaders questions through platforms like Freedom of Information requests -- and to finally get some answers.